Chapter Twenty: In which Sophie has to leave a friend behind

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+Author's note+

Thank you for almost 1,000 reads! I really am thankful that you guys take the time to read this book. Well, I guess I shouldn't have have a millions words on why I am so happy. So... here's the chapter!

Sophie Foster

Sophie stood at the familiar door of nightfall, with Tam, Marella, and Biana. She held a cloth with Keefe's blood in one hand and Biana's in another. Here, they would find Dex. Here she would see her best friend again. Here, he wouldn't have to go through the pain of whatever he's enduring. "Ready?" Tam asked. Everyone slowly nodded and Sophie found the door opening by Keefe's blood.

Once inside, Sophie saw the familiar rune doors. With words as courage and ingenuity, that glowed brightly in the hall. Sophie stuffed the cloth in her pocket and together they moved slowly up the stairs.

Sophie thought it was strange that no-one had come to find her. She would have thought the Neverseen would have some trick to see through vanishers. Sophie titled her head in confusion as they passed up another flight of stairs."Do... do you think anyone is coming? Or at least here?" Sophie asked. She really didn't want this to be like with her parents. Expect Vespera's Nightfall was destroyed in the flooding of Atlantis. Sophie took a deep breath as she turned the corner to see... nothing. "Okay, I honestly don't know why were invisible now." Marella noted, as there was no-one to be seen.

"Maybe so you could hide yourselves from us?" Sophie turned around to see Brant with a ball of Everblaze, ready to strike at any moment. Biana's hand seemed to slip through Sophie's fingers, revealing the three of them. The only one who was not seen was Tam, and Sophie hoped it could stay that way."Making things easier for me? Now, all we need is your little shade to come out." Brant said. Sophie resisted the urge to tug out an eyelash as Tam stepped out of the shadows. Why would you do that? Sophie transmitted to Tam

Think about it Sophie. He could blast every shadow with fire until he finds me. Tam replied, a scowl on his face. Sophie closed her thoughts as she set her eyes on Brant who was giving her his lop sided smirk.

Light seemed to flash from Sophie's eyes. One-second she was in a fighting stance and the next she found herself being surrounded by a line of Everblaze. "Now, that might stump you for a little bit. Have fun!" Brant yelled as he disappeared onto the next flight of stairs. "I... I think I might be able to part the fire so you guys will have way to go through." Marella said, her brows frowned in concentration.

"Could you hold it for that long?" Sophie asked. She didn't want to have to leave Marella or have her be hurt in any way.

"Yeah, if I can't... just go!" Marella replied. Sophie groaned. Why couldn't her friends listen to her? How hard was it to not get hurt?

Marella stuck out her hands and after several long seconds, the fire began to part ways. Sophie quickly crossed the fire with Biana and Tam. "Marella it's your turn!" Sophie shouted

"You're going to have to go without me!" Marella called. Sophie frowned as she noticed drops of sweat dripping down her forehead. Sophie, stood there for a few seconds before she cupped her hands together and shouted, "I'm coming back for you!"

Marella's lips tugged into a weary smile as she said, "I know."

my first and last love || sokeefe (slowly editting)Where stories live. Discover now