chapter seven: a date?

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"I didn't know our quick stop was candleshade." Sophie points out as they stand to see the huge tower, well, towering over them.

Keefe shrugs his shoulder as he readjusts the strap on his currently empty bag. He explained on how he needed to pick up a few things to bring back to his dorm. "Well, you didn't ask."

The two head to the door, Keefe's hand on the handle ready to open the door before the door seems to swing open, getting ready for a dramatic entrance.

"You didn't tell me your dad was here." Sophie mutters.

"My father didn't tell me that either." Keefe scowls as Lord Cassius appears, slick blond hair, pointed cape and snobby nose still prominent despite his rapidly decreasing reputation.

"Hello Son, what bring you and- oh Miss. Foster, what a pleasant surprise." Lord Cassius looks Sophie over once before rolling his eyes as he raises his brow for Keefe to explain why he brought 'Miss. Foster' over.

"I'm just getting some things and stop acting as if Foster's some sort of war criminal, thought you'd at least know what one looks like as we used to live with one." With that Keefe pushes pass his dad, grabbing Sophie's hand as they make their way to Keefe's room.

When they make it to Keefe's room, Sophie's the one to talk first, "You okay?"

Keefe sighs, "I just don't understand why he has to make it such a big deal whenever I'm seen with you. It's like I'm either too posh to be standing with you or your too heroic or whatever for me to be around you."

With their hands still connected, Sophie rubs circles into Keefe's knuckles, the boys shoulders relaxing a bit as he leads Sophie into his room.

It's about the same the last couple of times she's been there. Place looking as spotless as ever, his bed about the only untidy thing in the room. It looks like Keefe hasn't occupied the room for a while as she spots some dust gathering on the marble desk and some books in the room.

"So what do you need?" Sophie asks as she wanders over to the books, picking one out and flipping through the pages.

"Just a few supplies and stuff." Keefe replies, Sophie turning around to see the boy lifting the mattress to show a box with what looks like art supplies. Sophie puts the book back, picking up another as she finds a case that's filled with charcoal and pencils.

"Need these?" Sophie asks, tossing the case over to Keefe who inspects it, putting it in his bag before continuing his search.

"Yes actually." Keefe informs, Sophie going back to adventuring through Keefe's expansive library.

After a while she feels Keefe's hand wrap around her's as she's putting a book away. Sophie looks up to see the boy with a grin on his face.

"Who said you could look through these?" Keefe asks, grabbing the book Sophie was about to put away to see the title.

"I did." Sophie's lips turn into a grin as Keefe rolls his eyes, putting the book back.

"Well if your interested in learning almost everything about an empath here it is." Keefe waves his hands about, Sophie amazed. She didn't think all of these books were on empathy. Just thought the section she was choosing from was.

"Now come on, let's get going." Keefe says, pulling out his light leaper. He turns the crystal a few times, pointing it at the light. Sophie grabs Keefe's hand, Keefe pulling the blonde into the light.

✄- - - - - - - - - -

Sophie and Keefe are next in line, waiting for the girl in front of them to receive her packet so it'll be their turn. After five minutes or so both of there names get called, a warm smile being greeted by the both of them.

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