Chapter Thirteen: Where Sophie's parents fluster everyone (but Keefe)

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authors note (2019); I know this chapter says twelve too. By the time that you guys reach this chapter, I should have a chapter four uploaded. It's because I'm adding a chapter in the beginning which is messing everything up. Don't worry it's being fixed :))))

Sophie Foster

Sophie didn't see much of Tam, much to her dismay. It was quite amusing to her to see, Tam have to hide behind the shadows, so teachers didn't talk to him. Keefe also, took the time to say more sarcastic comments around Tam, because all he could do was ignore them. So, here Sophie sat in the cafeteria of Foxfire, watching Keefe say some sarcastic comments. While, Tam glared a whole through Keefe. She swore Tam was so close to punching Keefe in the face. The one thing keeping him in line, was Linh.

Since, Tam also got all of the agreements Sophie had, Linh got another pet. A bird this time named dotty. Sophie had asked one time, why dotty? And Linh answered, "So spotty has a friend." The conversation never got picked up again. "Keefe, I'm pretty sure Tam is going to punch you in the face at any minute." Sophie warned. The looks of it, Tam was about to stand up and drag him all the way into a hole, so he could die there. "He can try! I've got some...tricks up my sleeves." Keefe laughed. Sophie titled her head in confusion trying to think what he would have said. He paused for a second before he said 'tricks'.

Then it came to Sophie, he was about to say training. Training from the Neverseen to be exact. Sophie glanced at Keefe and saw he's usual joking self, talking to Fitz and Biana. Sophie sighed, she hated that Keefe hid behind jokes and laughs. Her mind focused on a memory. The first day of Exillium, she and Keefe got sent to the medical tent. It was the first time she had really seen the true Keefe. Sadness and distrust in his eyes. An recklessness that he couldn't control or handle. "Soph? Sophie?" Sophie went back into reality and saw Linh and Biana's faces laced with concern. "Yeah?" she asked. She wasn't the type to know what she did, like others. "You kinda spaced out for like at least five minutes." Linh replied. Sophie's eyes widened, not realizing she had spaced out that long. She shrugged off the shock, ate the rest of her lunch.

Sophie was in her bedroom with.... Keefe. Now, it's not what your thinking of. Okay, there in bed, but it's not what your thinking off. There simply cuddling with each other, like the happy couple they are. Sophie found herself playing with Keefe's hair. She loved how soft and silky it was. She didn't know how Keefe managed to keep his hair this...good. She shook her head, and put Keefe's hair in her Those-Thoughts-That-Are-Weird-To-Think-About. Partially because she just said Keefe's hair was silky.

The imparter rung like crazy, making Sophie and Keefe jumped. More, like Keefe yelped as Sophie pulled on his hair. Sophie fumbled around and grabbed her imparter, accepting the call. "Oh, Sophie nice to see you," Granite greeted. His eyes focused on Keefe and he raised an eyebrow. "I see Keefe is with you. In your bedroom. Alone." Sophie threw a pillow at Sandor who was snickering rather loudly. "What is it?" Sophie said, rolling her eyes at Keefe's laughter. "Could we talk in private?" Granite questioned. Sophie turned around and mouthed, 'can you leave for a bit?'. Keefe understood, closing the door behind him. "Okay, what's to talk about?" Sophie could only guess one thing on her mind, but it's always better to see what they are going to say, before you say what you think. "About your human family. We have settled them in a home." Sophie's eyes grew big. She couldn't believe it! She now, had the chance of seeing her human family! "Really! Where are they staying?" Sophie jumped up and down on her bed, not being able to control her excitement. "Their going to be staying in Atlantis." Granite replied, a smile forming on his lips. "When can I see them?" Sophie asked

"Today or tomorrow." Granite responded

"Okay, when can I go today?" Sophie questioned.

"Right now if you like." Granite said, cheerfully

"I'll be there!" Sophie replied

"We'll send a scroll, for the address." Granite said, finishing the conversation. The imparter's screen turned blank. Sophie took the time to hail Biana, Dex, and Fitz. Tam couldn't go because of the bet and Linh didn't want him to be alone. So, Sophie found herself at an apartment building with most of her friends. Keefe's hand was intertwined with her's, as they stepped into the building.

Sophie knocked on door that held her family. A woman with brown hair and green eyes appeared a her, with a smile on her face. Her eyes widened and Sophie's eyes began to tear up. "Sophie!" her mom shouted, rushing to hug her. Sophie accepted the hug, holding on tightly. "I haven't seen you in forever. I was so worried about you." her mom whispered as they pulled apart. "I was worried about you too," Sophie paused for a second. "Me and my friends came to here to visit." Mrs. Foster smiled and led them inside the huge apartment, taking up two floors. Sophie's dad dropped his pencil and rushed to hug her, lifting her off the ground. "I've missed you soybean." Sophie reddened from the nickname but she whispered a 'I miss you too'. Amy came out of the room soon after, Sophie lifting her sister off the ground in a warm hug.

"So, these are your friends?" Mrs. Foster asked.

"Oh sorry! I didn't introduce them," Sophie turned to face her family and friends. "This is Fitz and Biana Vacker, Dex Dizznee, and Keefe Sencen." Sophie fidgeted for a while before her father spoke. "Well, we should sit down for a little talk."

Sophie and her friends sat in the living room. Mallow melt and some tea was set out. Mrs. and Mr. Foster smiled at her friends, while Amy held her confident smirk at Sophie. She rolled her eyes at Amy who stuck her tongue out. "Still fighting?" Mrs. Foster asked. Sophie and Amy reddened as the siblings stared at each other. "So, your Alden and Della's kids?" Mrs. Foster asked. Both Fitz and Biana nodded, full aware of the grin Sophie's mother was giving them. "Your mother told me quite the stories." Mrs. Foster said. Keefe's lips formed into a smirk as he asked, "I'm sure we would love to hear them."

"No!" the siblings shouted

"Come on Fitzy. We gotta know all the embracing stories the 'golden boy' has." Keefe urged

"Shut up, Keefe." Biana hissed. Keefe thew his hands in surrender but whispered to Mrs. Foster, "Any embracing stories about Foster?" Mrs. Foster seemed to beam by those simple words. She clasped her hands together and started, "Oh yes! Sophie was such a funny little girl." Sophie reddened as everyone snickered. "What about Amy?" Sophie blurted out and then her mom rambled on and on about her little girls. While and Sophie added more embarrassing parts of Amy, her little sister did the same. By the time the stories ended, Sophie and Amy were at each other's throats, taunting each other.

The last thing Amy said, made everyone quiet. "Oh yeah? What about all of your boyfriends?" Sophie stumbled back into her chair, seeing Dex, Fitz and Keefe quite flustered. "Boyfriends?" Sophie's dad asked. Sophie gulped as Amy said. "Yeah! When I first came here she had an dreamy expression every time she said Fitz's name. And, Keefe and her were always holding hands and close together. Sophie and Dex even kissed one time!" Sophie turned very red as both of her parents looked at her, there brows raised. "How do you know that?" Sophie hissed at her sister. Sophie loved her sister and her sister loved her, they just always loved bickering at each other more. "You kissed a boy?!" Mrs. Foster shouted. "Boyfriends?!" Mr. Foster shouted.

They went on and on, telling Sophie how she shouldn't be in the spot light, and this is what exactly would happen. Keefe, Dex, Fitz, and Biana watched amusingly as Sophie's parents paced around the room, asking her more and more questions. Her mom stopped when she asked, "Are you dating someone now?" Biana, Dex, and Fitz turned to Keefe and Sophie, were were conveniently holding hands at the time. "Wow! Very good looking boy." Mrs. Foster gushed. Keefe and Fitz bursted into laughter as Mr. Foster frowned. "Grady told me this one is trouble." Sophie's eyes widened by the name of Grady. "You met Grady and Edaline?" Sophie asked

"You think we wouldn't see the people who adopted you?" her mom asked

"I never saw you." she mumbled

"You were at school." Sophie's dad replied. Sophie mouthed an 'oh'. Then she frowned when she remembered what her dad had said. "What do you mean, Grady said Keefe was trouble?" Sophie asked. She hated that Grady would even do that! Sophie knew that Grady didn't like Keefe, but to tell her parents, was an serious offense. "Well, Edaline told me that he was a nice young man."Mrs. Foster replied.

Her parents then went on to bicker about Keefe and Sophie. That's how there visit was. Her parents telling her about Sophie's choice of a boyfriend and saying more embarrassing stuff that Dex, Biana, Fitz, Sophie, and Amy did.

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