chapter eleven: where sophie takes care of a sick keefe

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Sophie hadn't seen Keefe all day which was a bit worrying. She hoped nothing was wrong and he was just being Keefe, skipping classes, playing pranks, all that jazz.

But during lunch when her friends, she got more worried when Biana's reply was, "I haven't seen him all morning either." With the rest of her friends letting out a chorus of "same".

When Fitz had sat down at lunch with them, Sophie asked him, hoping that his roommate would have the answers to Keefe's disappearance.

"Keefe? Oh, he'd down with a terrible cold. He's been in bed all day."

Sophie excused her friends goodbye, hurrying over to the dorms. She couldn't believe Keefe was sick, she couldn't believe that Fitz hadn't told her sooner, she couldn't believe she wasn't there for Keefe.

She sprinted through the halls, making it to the golden towers. She hurried up the spiraling staircase, stopping right at Keefe's dorm.

Sophie carefully opened the door, peeking her head inside to see Keefe sprawled on the bed, coughing his lungs out.

"Keefe, are you okay? Wait no-why did I even ask that, of course, you aren't okay. Um-here let me get you a glass of water. " Sophie spent no time rushing over to the bathroom, grabbing a glass from Keefe's nightstand to pour water into. Once the glass was about halfway full, she rushed back to Keefe.

"Hey let's get you up okay?" Sophie helped Keefe up, setting some pillows behind his back to make sure he was comfy.

"Can you drink this for me?" Keefe only nodded as Sophie gave him the glass, setting her hands on his own to direct his lips to the glass.

After Keefe drank the water, she set the glass down on the nightstand, sitting back beside Keefe.

"Foster you shouldn't be here, you'll get sick." Keefe finally said, Sophie, sighing.

"I've got a strong immune system, don't worry. All that we should focus on is you getting better, yeah?" Keefe nodded, closing his eyes.

"I just woke up with this horrible headache and my bones felt all sore and stiff. Fitz checked my temperature and told me that I'd better stay at my dorm. I haven't thrown up or anything but my stomach has been feeling awful." Keefe explained, Sophie, looking at him with sympathy.

"Just don't try to strain yourself okay? Make sure to drink lots of liquids and I'll get you something light to eat in a bit." Sophie went in to sit beside Keefe, Keefe putting his head on her shoulder. They intertwined fingers, Sophie holding onto Keefe's hand tightly.

"Talk to me, Foster."

"What do you want me to talk about?"

"Anything," Keefe mumbles.


"Yeah, anything you say is interesting." Sophie blushes from the words, looking over at Keefe who's got his eyes closed, humming a bit to himself.

Clearly out of it.

"Hmm, well I've got the bet settled with Tam. We're gonna play base quest. Clearly, you are gonna be on my team. I told him that he can't use his abilities for a week as an additional penalty. Can't wait to see him get all mad when he can't hide in the shadows. I talked to Edaline and Grady the other day, I told them about you. They said they'd love to have dinner with you. Grady seems to be warming up to you. He called you Sencen instead of that boy, so that's a major upgrade. Let's see, what else..." 


my first and last love || sokeefe (slowly editting)Where stories live. Discover now