Chapter Twelve: In which Linh shoots Sophie a wink

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Sophie Foster

          Sophie stood beside Tam, looking at the expansive lawn of Everglen. Sophie grinned, having a good feeling she was going to win this. Tam and Sophie had broken up into two teams. Linh, and Dex went with Tam. While, Fitz and Biana went with Sophie. The only person they were waiting for was Keefe, who promised he would be there. "I swear, if Keefe isn't here in five minutes, I'm personally dragging him from Candleshadle to Everglen." Tam muttered, tapping his foot impatiently. Sophie turned around and only saw her friends, giving them encouraging looks.

"Sorry, my dad surprisingly didn't want me to leave until I was completely better." Keefe stumbled across the lawn, his pathfinder in hand. He looked better. The only thing wrong was the dark circles under his eyes and the occasional coughs and sneezes. "Well, it's good you here. Tam was seriously considering dragging you from Candleshade." Sophie said. Keefe laughed a took a seat on a random chair. "Okay, ready?" Tam asked

"Ready." Sophie replied

"Okay," Keefe stood infant of the group, holding a tissue. "One....two....three!" he shouted, both groups running off in different directions. Sophie, Fitz, and Biana decided that they would keep in touch by communicating with the mind. Sophie would do the usual tracking everyones thoughts. Fitz and Biana raced out to find the others while Sophie hid in a tree. She checked more than once, to see if it was sturdy enough. Since, she's had enough falling-from-tree accidents in her life. Sophie surely didn't need more.

Sophie stretched her mind out, trying to pinpoint the exact locations of her friends. She grinned when she felt hold of Dex's, which so conveniently was right under her. She tied her cape to the branch swinging down to tag Dex. "Sophie, you are too weird." Dex laughed as Sophie did a perfect landing. "Remember, you like weird." Sophie grinned and Dex nodded, going to the clearing to see Keefe. Sophie tugged on her cape, the piece of cloth unwrapping from the branch.

Running through the forest, Sophie used a brain push to double her speed. She'd only needed Linh and they'd be fine. Sophie learned from Fitz that Biana had been tagged by Tam which resulted in her using some colorful words to express it. Sophie stretched her mind further trying to locate Tam and Linh and she found them in the same spot. She thought it was weird, but the twins were almost inseparable. Tam and Linh are in a clearing. Actually there in the clearing where that hill is. Sophie transmitted to Fitz

Sounds weird, Fitz transmitted back

Well then, do you want to face them together? Sophie asked. Clearly just her or him wasn't going to be a good choice.

If you want too. Fitz said

I want too. Sophie promised

Okay then. I guess you could track my thoughts to see where I am. Sophie could tell Fitz was snickering. Be there in a sec. Sophie said. She spotted Fitz's thoughts almost immediately so she rushed over to where he would be.

"Woah, you didn't lie when you said a second." Fitz joked. Sophie shot him a look, but he just laughed. "So, were doing this?" Sophie asked. Fitz nodded and they ran into the clearing. Sophie turned her head to find Biana, Dex, and Keefe watching them in the distance. Linh and Tam were sitting on the hill, having a nice little chat. Tam spotted her first, so he put on his best grin. Fitz went after Linh who had ran into the forest. "Hi dearest friend!" Sophie shouted. "Want to come down here?"

"I think, I want to stay here, dearest Sophie." Tam shouted back. Sophie groaned as she took a seat in the grass. Pulling flowers from the ground, she wove it into a pretty little flower crown. "Come on Tam. Stop being all defensive!" Sophie placed the little crown on her head, skipping in  a circle to taunt Tam. "Fine." Tam grumbled. Sophie put on a amusing smirk as Tam walked down, very slowly. "So, what do you want to do?" Tam asked

"Really, Tam." Sophie replied

"Hey, just trying to stall." Tam admitted. Sophie's mind filled with Fitz's crisp accent as he told her, he'd gotten Linh. "Looks, like Fitz got your sister." Sophie said

"Wait- he's coming over here in a second." Sophie turned to looked and Tam took the time to tag Sophie. Sophie smirked as she dodged his hand, and tagged him instead. "I'm so glad we put 'no lying' as a rule in our bets." Sophie smiled as she looked down to Tam, lying on the grass. "I hate you right now." Tam muttered

"But, that's why were friends!" Sophie replied

"Oh, and what did you mean by, 'so glad we didn't put no lying as a rule'?" Tam asked

"Oh, Fitz actually got tagged by Linh." Sophie smiled, as she set the flower crown on Tam's head. Tam glared at it for a few seconds before leaving it be. Sophie skipped back to the clearing where she saw Biana smiling at her. Keefe held his confident grin, as he pulled her in for a hug. "Looks like we won't be seeing much of bangs boy." Sophie smiled at the comment, as she saw Linh helping tam up to his feet. Linh shot Sophie a wink as she added a flower to her brother's lovely crown.

+Author's Note+

Hey, hey hey! Short chapter I know. It's just that Wattpad is being a little weird right now, so I settled with lest words so I could get this saved and published.

Anyways, thank you for the reads and votes! I hope that your enjoying this little fanfic so far.

I hope you enjoy your day, people out there in the world (or different planet, whatever's cool with you. I won't judge)!

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