Chapter Nineteen: Where the Black Swan listen to Sophie and try harder

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Sophie Foster

Sophie's eyes fluttered open, and she found herself snuggled next to Keefe. She smiled at herself, remembering how she and him watched a movie together. They must have fallen asleep too in the process. Sophie carefully got off the couch, letting Keefe sleep in peace. His features seemed to soften, the creases in his forehead gone, and his whole body seems to relax. Sophie heads upstairs to find her imparter beeping like crazy. Rushing to grab it, she sees hundreds of missed calls and messages from members of the Black Swan. Even a few from Mr. Forkle. "Show me Mr. Forkle." she whispers. She figured this might be something good if they haven't given up on hailing her.

"Miss. Foster!" Mr. Forkle shouted. His brows were frowned, clearly not amused that she had decided to give a call now.

"Sorry, I was sleeping." Sophie yawned

"Well, I'll have you know it's currently 2:00." Mr. Forkle informed, his lips pursed

"WHAT?!" Sophie shouted. She glanced at the door, making sure she hadn't waken up Keefe. She didn't know if he was one to get grumpy if woken up.

"Yes. Now back to the reason we've been trying to hail you. We'd like to inform you that we have found where Dex is currently being held." Mr. Forkle stated. Sophie's eyes grew big by the sentence. That couldn't be possible. It would have to take a couple days or weeks to find Dex, but the Black Swan had managed to find him in less than a week.

"How?" Sophie asked. She needed to know how they managed it.

"Well, this goes back to your little argument with us. You wanted us to try harder, so here we are doing exactly that." Mr. Forkle replied.

Sophie found herself speechless by the reply. She was just angry, and she thought that everyone had understand that. Yes, part of her wanted Dex rescued as soon as possible but at the moment she was just trying to vent out her anger. "Where is he?" Sophie questioned

"He's currently being held in Nightfall. But, this is Lady Gisela's not Vespera's Nightfall," he paused for a second before resuming. "Now, tonight you will be rescuing Dex with three other people of your choice." Sophie nodded and after more instructions the screen turned off.

Heading downstairs, Sophie finds Keefe still sleeping on the couch. She smiles as she nudges him softly. Keefe soon stirs awake, his ice blue eyes fluttering open. "Well, this is quite the surprise. Be waken up by Foster then find out Grady hasn't killed me yet." Keefe yawns as Sophie sits next to him. Sophie finds herself smiling again at Keefe. His blonde hair is messy, his clothes are rumpled, and his bright blue eyes full of sleep. "Foster?" Sophie snapped out of her trance, seeing Keefe's brows raised. "You were kinda staring at me."

"Because your beautiful." Sophie replied, pecking him on the cheek

"I'm flattered." Keefe replied, a grin slowly making it's way onto his face

"Oh shut up!" Sophie laughed

"Make me!" Keefe joked. Sophie raised her eye brow mischievously as she moved closer to kiss him. She immediately melted as she tasted the familiar strawberry taste he always seemed to have. She swore that each time she kissed him, it got better and better. Almost addictive.

Sophie broke it the kiss, a heartwarming smile on her lips. Keefe grinned at her as she leaned her head on his shoulder. Sophie loved this. Waking up to see Keefe beside her. Snuggling up with him when days are rough or when they just want each others company.

Explaining that the Black Swan knew were Dex was ruined the fuzzy and warm moment they had. Both her and Keefe's faces turned serious and Sophie no longer saw the peaceful expression on Keefe's face when he was sleeping. One of the first questions were, "I'm going right?" Sophie looked down at the flower carpet. She didn't want Keefe to come because she could get hurt. His decisions were often reckless. "Well..." Sophie started

"You don't want me coming." Keefe bluntly stated

"I wasn't saying that... but maybe it would be good if you go?" Sophie questioned

"Yeah, so you can ask Fitz to go." Keefe scoffed

"Is that what you think Keefe?" Sophie looked up at him but he wouldn't meet her eyes. "To let you know, I'm bringing Tam, Biana, and Marella."

They stayed silent for a while before Keefe stood up and said he was leaving. Sophie being herself asked where, but Keefe never answered. He gave Sophie a weak smile and stepped into the beam of light, whisking him away.

Later that night, Sophie looked up to the ceiling. This was there first fight as a couple. She certainly didn't like it.

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