Twenty-One: In which Sophie and Keefe love unconditionally (not edited)

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Sophie Foster and Keefe Sencen

          Sophie fumbled over with the knots over and over, trying to Un-tie Dex as soon as possible. They had finally found Dex and Sophie was trying her best to free Dex while Tam and Biana fought the Neverseen. She finally got the last knot out and extended her hand so Dex could grab it. As soon as Dex grabbed her hand, Sophie leaped into battle doing everything to get Dex safe and sound.

Tam yelled something to Sophie she couldn't hear. She titled her head in confusion when he shouted louder, "Grab my hand so you can inflict!" Sophie frowned her brows as she managed to get someone off of her and reach for Tam's hand. Darkness seemed to overflow in her mind, every angry and depressed thought rushing to the surface of her mind. It took Sophie a few seconds to figure out what Tam was doing. He was pushing dark shadow vapor in her. Sophie whisked the thought away, focusing her energy on inflicting. She stuck her hands out and immediately heard the whimpers and cries for help.

Sophie opened her eyes to see people cowering on the floor and shaking furiously. Shock came to her and her hands began to shake in Tam's hold. She had done that? She could do that? She heard people yelling and Biana and Tam grabbing her arms. They rushed down the stairs and she saw the faint outline of Marella on the floor. It had looked like she had managed to get rid of the flames. Dex rushed to grabbed her, holding her bridal style and together they rushed to the exit. Sophie fished for Keefe's blood soaked cloth, and once the doors opened, Sophie was swarmed by Black Swan members. She watched as Blur, Wraith, and Squall rushed in to grab the Neverseen members.

Everything seemed to stop when she saw Keefe. His ice blue eyes were twinkling in the moonlight. His hand was running through his blonde hair. His clothes were rumples and his arm was bandaged from the cut. She wondered why he hadn't gotten treatment from it.

Keefe Sencen

          He had been standing in the snow for an hour with the rest of the Black Swan, when the doors opened and she saw Sophie, Tam, Marella, Biana, and Dex. Keefe's eyes seemed to widened by the state his girlfriend was in. Her hands shaking, eyes wide, her clothes were tattered and her gloves were no where to be seen. He watched as Blur, Wraith, and Squall rushed into Nightfall, trying to capture the rest of the Neverseen. He ran a hand through his hair and as he glanced up to see Sophie again, he saw she was staring right at him. Keefe felt heat rise to his cheeks by Sophie standing there, watching him. She seemed to be analyzing him, trying to figure out what he would do next.

It amazed Keefe when Sophie walked slowly to him, her eyes fixed on his ice blue ones. He seemed to get nervous by Sophie, his hands fumbling with his shirt. When Sophie was standing right in front of him, Keefe seemed to break down. Rushing in for a hug, Keefe felt tears soak his tunic, letting him know that Sophie was crying. So, he did that she would want him to do. He reached for her hand, and lead her away from the group. She didn't want her family to see her crying, or the Black Swan, or even her friends. She didn't want to let everyone know, that she was breaking down.

They didn't seem to mind the snow, as they sat down. Sophie seemed frantic for Keefe's hold, wanting him more than ever. Keefe understood as he held Sophie as desperate at she was holding him. Keefe missed her so much. He didn't get to see when she went off. They didn't talk since they had that fight. The only time were together was when Keefe gave Sophie some of his blood.  "I love you so, so much." Sophie whispered

"I love you too Sophie, and I won't ever stop loving you." Keefe replied, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"Don't leave me," Sophie mumbled. "I feel like some times you want to leave me, because of who I am. I mean, when I was in nightfall I watched as people cried and screamed for help. Because, of my inflicting. I watched as people looked at me in fear because of my ability."

Keefe frowned. He didn't think she thought that. Heck, it never crossed his mind. He was always thinking about how he didn't deserve her. She was so kind and caring. She was so beautiful and could knock anyone in a beauty contest any day. She was so bright and cherry. She could lighten up anyones mood. Keefe didn't think that Sophie would pick him. The person with the parent issues. The person who had betrayed her several times. The person who pushed her away.

Keefe stared Sophie straight in the eye as he said, "Sophie, I don't care about your abilities or if your special or not. I don't love you because of how your the savior and stuff. I would still go out for you even if you were normal. Because, I love you so much and I won't stop. I won't give up on you Sophie, I never will."

Sophie smiled a real smile for the first time since they fought and Keefe returned it. He closed the space between them and brushed his lips against Sophie's, feeling the familiar warmth rush to his body. He gently pulled away and smiled at Sophie. They intertwined there fingers and Keefe found himself gazing at there connecting hands. For the first time in a long time, Keefe and Sophie felt like things were finally going to get better.

my first and last love || sokeefe (slowly editting)Where stories live. Discover now