Chapter Fourteen: Where Sophie gets a LOT more Elwin visits

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Sophie Foster

Sophie seemed to be in a daze during the week, a smile always plastered on her face. So much, she made twice the amount of Elwin trips. She couldn't get her mind off the fact that Keefe had asked her to the Foxfire ball. Even more, she told him, she love him. And...he loved her back! She was currently sitting in study hall, working on elvin history or the universe. She was studying for something. "Sophie!" Sophie smiled, remembering all the times Keefe used her first name. "Yes, Keefe?" She asked. She felt something harsh and hit her cheek, enough the put her out of her daze. "Your thinking about Keefe?!" Biana asked, her brow raised. Sophie's blushed a deep red, realizing she had just said that out loud. But, she quickly recovered with a comment for Biana. "Like you don't day dream about Tam." Biana rolled her eyes, going back to painting her nails. She never got work done in study hall, it was practically free time for Biana. Sophie sighed and went back to her studying (or daydreaming about a certain someone, which ever is better for you).

Hearing Biana squeal was like torture to her poor brain. After hours and hours of endless shopping with Biana for the ball, they had finally settled down at Sophie. Now, the reason her best friend was squealing was simple. Sophie had put on her beautiful dress, and Biana was so happy that her friend had finally decided to wear something nice and pretty. Without Biana suggesting her to do so! The dress was a scarlet red, which Sophie quite liked. The neckline was off shoulder, and it hit to her ankles. Biana had helped her pick out some nice heels that were a slightly darker color than the dress, with jewels speckles all around them. Overall Sophie thought she was going to look amazing in this. "Come on! We need to show Linh this dress!" Biana exclaimed.

"And how are we going to get past Fitz and Keefe?" Sophie asked. She didn't exactly want her boyfriend seeing her dress. Ruin the whole point of being mysterious and stuff.

"I could always cover you with my bedsheets." Biana offered. Sophie rolled her eyes at Biana's attempt.

"Or we could you know, not go in the living room." Sophie said, acting like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Biana sighed, pulling her out of her room. Sophie grabbed her cloak, trying to make her heels be as quiet as possible. They got past the living room when Fitz called, "Biana, is that Sophie with you? Do you guys want to play base quest?" Biana groaned, replaying, "No Fitz, Sophie isn't with me! Now I gotta go!" Fitz didn't reply so her and Biana rushed out of the house.

"I just realized we could have used my home crystal." Sophie said blankly, while the two girls laid on her bed. "Going on an adventure is always fun." Biana shrugged.

+Author's Note+ READ READ READ READ!

But besides that I don't rlly remember what I put here, so have a nice day and make sure to breath! 😊💞

HA GUESS WHO FINALLY GOT ENOUGH TIME TO UPDATE THIS PICTURE? ME COWARDS 👺But besides that I don't rlly remember what I put here, so have a nice day and make sure to breath! 😊💞

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