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Ant was walking to their office in Australia after a last time script discussion with Andy. Declan will surely laugh to would be unexpected... His face will be priceless.

He thought about various times he had succumbed to laughter on live telly because of Dec. He can make me laugh with the simplest of expressions. It's payback tomorrow.

As he entered their office he was expecting his best friend to be perched lazily upon the chair, legs stretched to the table and head buried in twitter. But there was no one. "Deckey... " he called out... The bathroom door was closed and he understood that Dec was not there too. He walked to their office table and as he went around the grand wooden table and the sight he was met with a sight that took his breath away and he gasped "Deckey!!!"

Declan was on the floor, his eyes shut and breath heavy, his legs perched on the chair as if he had fallen from it. Ant moved near and sunk to his knees and tried to wake Declan up. As he felt Ant's presence near, Dec whined "I was bitten pal.. help me.. I feel dizzy.. I..."

The word 'bitten' struck his heart hard and Ant choked out "Dec!! what? what bit you? How man?!"

"Anth.. An.. it was.. call Bob..I can't... It was"

"Deckey?! Was it a snake?!!...oh god"
Ant was panicking by now and he screamed for Bob "Bob!!!! Bob.. medics.. help..."

Hearing Ant's call many crew members run into the room and one of them run back to find Bob. Dec was panicking now , his eyes slowly closing as if struggling to stay awake, Sweat was glistening on his forehead and Ant wiped it in hurry "Kidda... don't sleep.. stay awake.. you will be alright!"

"An... I.. canna... breathe"

"Ohh Deckey... Bob is on the way... SOMEBODY GET BOB!!!"

As on cue Bob barges in and ask everyone else to file out. Ant sits near Dec in determination and knowing well the young man, he didn't try to get him out. Bob asked "Ant.. what happened?!"

Ant had tears in his eyes as he choked out
" I found him this and he said he was bitten by a snake. ohh Bob... He is not breathing man!!!"

" I can only administer oxygen knowing the level and for that I have to inspect the wound"

Bob check Dec's exposed parts for snake bite and find none. With panic, he tears Dec's shirt and inspects his neck and chest. He was wearing three fourth trousers and Bob inspect his legs and thighs too. He looks at Ant in worry. "I... I can't find the bite Ant"

Ant felt someone choking him, as tears fell to cheeks, he thought about Anne.. Ali... about himself "Dec.. kidda... you awake?! Bob..his breath" Ant was openly sobbing now ignoring the fact that Bob can see him crying.

Bob moves to his kit and pulls out the oxy mask. Dec breathe hard through it and after a few seconds he slowly opens his eyes . He takes the mask away and looks at a tearful Ant "Anth...what happened mate?"

Bob knew they didn't have time to lose anymore and was surprised that Dec didn't show any symptoms "Dec... where is the snake bite wound?!"

Dec looked at him in question "What?"

Ant spoke through his tears "Kidda.. where did the snake bite you? tell him"

Dec look at him in shock "Snake bit me?!! when?"

Bob looked at Ant in confusion and Ant looked at Dec in disbelief "You told me you got bitten man.."

"Yeah... I did... but it was a spider?!"

Bob's head snapped up. That explains the lack of symptoms. "Which was it Dec? You saw it? did you recognise it?!"

"Of course I did. that bugger is always in our bathroom"

Ant looked at him shocked "What!!!! it's not venomous man"

"Who said anything about it being venomous?!

Bob looks at Ant in question

Ant was furious now "You asked me to call Bob, man. You said its a snake . You were lying on the floor fallen from a chair and-"

"I didn't fall ... I raised my legs in that position as I felt dizzy and I asked you to call Bob as I panicked when it bit me and wanted oxygen!"

Bob shook his head as the situation turned amusing and funny for him

Ant was extremely mortified and he looked at Declan in annoyance "I called the whole place man... I thought... shit man! You idiot!"

Dec was feeling fairly well and he stood up in frustration "What?! are you actually disappointed that it wasn't a snake?!"

"Shut up man you made me look like a proper idiot"

"Because you are one. I was about to say spider but couldn't and you thought it's snake?! How clever!!"

Ant wiped his tears in fury and embarrassment and looked at Dec with annoyance "You felt dizzy because of a spider bite?!"

"I did... so what?! I panicked man. And why is it so new for you? "

"I thought you were poisoned you fool"

"I am not the fool you are. Who will fall down like that from a chair.. it was so visible that I had perched my legs upon it... idiot"

"You call me an idiot?! I was crying here man!!"

"That's not my fault you peabead!"

Bob slowly walked out of the room knowing once they had started the banter, they won't stop soon . He laughed at Ant's mortified face and the silly way Dec was defending himself.

Their friendship is definitely something else. Something rare and precious. As he exited the room, he heard Dec saying "So you do feel emotions.. Grumpy"

"Shut up you Dopey...." was all that Ant said.


Love Like These ( Prompts/ AntandDec Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now