Restaurant Prompts

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A try at some Restaurant prompts from tumblr Mumintr0llet


Dec felt his heart fluttering in his chest both due to desire and fear. Amidst the receding smoke in the restaurant kitchen stove , he stared at the taller dark haired man walking through the isles. Their team head chef Anthony McPartlin, whom they call Ant walked to each and every junior chefs and helped them with their dishes and gave the envelopes with the tips left by the bigshot guests last night. Their restaurant is internationally popular Dec have no idea how he got job there.. they had several kitchens with numerous chefs and each day before their work hours are up they make special dishes for their guests and keep it in oven and the waiters take it to specified guests with the chefs name tag on it. The envelope included their name and the tips given to the chef by guests. Declan had no idea how he got good tips and even messages of appreciation in his envelope as he himself felt his dishes to be close to nothing. The dish he prepared yesterday was the worst he had prepared ever. He knew how off the spices were and how creamy the sauce was. As Ant reached his isle, something fluttered in his chest. His head chef is the most beautiful man he had ever seen and everything about him attracted the slightly shorter man to him. And that's why Dec worries about the dishes...he really want to impress Ant.

Ant reach the Isle and smile at him, and Dec blushes.. even if this is a daily routine, he still cant get over the effect the slightly younger man has on him. Ant slowly spoke "Maybe you should heat this a bit and put a few more spices.. its delicious and here is your envelope... they are impressed... congratulations"

Ant smiled at him and they stood there looking at each other, immersed in each other's eyes. Somewhere a kettle whistles and Ant snap his eyes out of Dec's and with an embarrassed grin, walks away. Dec stared and the envelope for long and after seeing the tip and the message on how delicious his dish was, he frowned. He knew something was not right and now he was sure that something defenitely is wrong. So he decided to find what's happening.

Dec stayed back that evening, away from everyone and hid himself in a rather large counter shelf near to their isle. The kitchen was empty and he knew there is an hour more until the roomboys come and take the food. Suddenly he hear someone in the kitchen and peep through the half opened door to see a hooded figure on his isle, tasting his dishes and slowly putting them - In trash.

Dec gasp at that and jump out of hiding "What are you doing?!!"

The hooded figure gasp and turn around and seeing Dec , shush him "ohh you.. thought you went home?!"

Dec looked at the figure gobsmacked. It was none other than Anthony McPartlin "Anth?!!"

Ant: "Sush.. dont shout.. I.. ehh "

Suddenly penny dropped inside Dec's head "You?! so that's why everyone loved my food.. you were the one cooking it all"

"Uhh not really.. sometimes I just alter or you know put spices and all.. ehh.. I mean your dishes are nice but..."

"Cut it out Anth... I know they are crap but.. how long have you been doing it?!"

Ant shrugged in embarrassment and Dec gasped "Seriously?! and you never told me? or anyone?! Is it just mine or do you do it for everyone?"

"I.. eh Yeah I try every dish when I feel like its a bit off and try to make it better..ehh"

"But never did you cook for anyone else?"

Ant was still standing there in embarrassment when Dec whispered "Why?"

Ant looked at Dec and slowly confessed "I ..I don't want you to leave"

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