First Husband

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Anthony McPartlin was talking to the executive of a new firm he had brought when he felt a familiar presence near him. He turned to a rather short man beside him and smiled "Dec.. this is Mrs Leonard. Owner of TSL and wife of Mr. Greg Leonard" Dec frown at him and he corrects "His Third wife".

Dec nodes understandingly . A blond lady joins them and Mrs Leonard smiles at her "Hello Ms Betty. Anthony, meet  Ms.Betty , wife of Mr. Karnen" . Ant shakes her hand "Nice to meet you finally". Ms Betty smiles sweetly at him "You too. Heard about you a lot. His first wife was your partner right?" She then turns to Dec "Hello gentleman, I am afraid we haven't met"

"Nice to meet you Ms Betty . I am Declan. I am Anthony's first husband " Ant look at Dec and stare at him for long.

The two ladies nod understandingly and after some more small talks moves ahead. Ant was about to turn to Dec but was interrupted by another man who pulls him for some business talks. Ant looks at Dec longingly as he met up with other people and introduced himself to them. His heart tugged when Dec use the word 'first' First Husband.

As he is relieved of meeting all those who want him to meet them, he walks to Dec who was busy deciding which vine to choose and  pulls him to a room nearby. Dec frown at that "Anth..."

Ant close the room and turns to Dec all the while frowning "What were you going on about you being my first husband??!"

"Why not? Isnt that true?"

"Yes it is! But you dont have to tell that to everyone. Or atleast specify THAT!"

"Why not? Isnt that how everyone introduce themselves here? And who is this Mr. Karnen's first wife? Melissa, your first client?"

"No. She is wife of Mr. Leonard" Dec frowns "His second wife. Ms. Betty was talking about Hilda Rolan. Our partnership with her firm ended last year. Her firm is broke I think. She is still Mrs. Karnen though. Enough on them. And that doesnt explain why you called yourself as my first husband"

"Because I am your first husband you peahead"

"Idiot!You are not just my first husband but my one and only. You sounded like I had married many other "

"Ohh... "

"What ohh?!

"You called me your one and only"

Ant sighs "Yes baby we've been  dating for 6 years and married for an year and going to live together forever .So Yeah.. You are my one and only"

Dec grin at that and Ant blushed realising he just delivered a soppy line. He slowly pull the smaller man and kiss him lovingly "I love you. Dont you ever use that phrase again... It hurts" he whispers embarrased by his soppiness

"Love you too..sorry" Dec smiles

And after that convo, Dec knew very well enough to Ant's annoyance and other people's amusement, how to describe himself
"I am Dec .. Anthony's one and only husband"

And Ant knew Dec wont let him forget this moment for a lifetime.

Love Like These ( Prompts/ AntandDec Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now