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"Aaannttttt come fast!!!"  Ant heard as he entered his home after a short trip to the grocers. At the panicked voice, he sprinted in and to the kitchen fearing the worst. As he reached the kitchen, he had to laugh at what he was seeing "What's this baby??"

His smaller but slightly older husband was hanging on the kitchen cupboard, his feet hardly reaching the countertop , a light stool he had used to get onto it fallen down
"I cant get down... I cant... help..."

Ant smirked at that "So... what is so important that you couldnt wait for me to get back... my monkey?!"

"I am not a monkey Mr. and I.. I wanted to...uhh clean the shelves"

"Clean them?! When did my husband start caring about tidying and all?! Unless its the Cookie Jar you want to wipe neat?"

"What if it is?! You never give me anything"

"Declan Donnelly Mcpartlin! You are the  one who ever eats from them and you know I always buy it for you only. I just dont want you to get sick man... "

"Whatever..look what happened because of that... give me that stool...."

"Nope....ufff.... Ohh its so hot here" Ant slowly take his jacket off and breath hard as if winded and humid. His muscles under his shirt flexes, his chest hair poking through the space left due to the undone first button. Dec look at him in awe, his mouth open. Ant throw a full teeth smirk at Dec and Dec felt his breath hitching. As Ant's hands move to his shirt and open each button, Dec had to suppress a moan. Its not fair that his husband is perfectly handsome and he is stuck on the countertop "Anth... you devil... "

"What baby..." Ant growls in a husky voice, his eyes boring hungrily into Dec and Dec let out a frustrated moan

"Anth... help me.. I want to get down are not at all helping now"

Ant remove his shirt, painfully for Dec and sit on the opposite countertop in all his glory showing the well looked after torso, streaching and flexing his limbs "You should have thought before trying to steal you monkey... I wonder where the cookies are" He hop down and stretch to nearby cupboard and that sends Dec through all crazy thoughts . He lick his lips hungrily, cookie long forgotten

Ant turn to look at him and smirks " What dont want the cookie?!"

Dec's stare was no longer pleading or helpless but determined and lustfilled. He growls "No.. found something more appealing...... Your goalie skills still intact?"

Ant had only a split of second to react before Dec let go of his balance in the cupboard and fall back to the floor. Ant catch him effectively and as he see the giggling mess in his arms... he couldnt resist a kiss on Dec's nose "Gorgeous stealer... you cookie monster..."

Dec stop his giggle and smirk at Ant evily
"I can be monster at times...." and pulls Ant's head down to kiss roughly

Love Like These ( Prompts/ AntandDec Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now