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BGT 2018 live shows were the hardest thing Dec had ever done. It was harder than his first solo SNT performance as this time, he s infront of a huge crowd... judges... with no definite scripts other than the intro links...anything can happen and if he falter through his links or lines, he dont have the person on his right to lean on; to subtly hold his hand when he extend it ; to press it to assure him all is well; to laugh at him and cover his mistake with jokes. He missed his stage mate, work partner, best friend, soulmate. He missed Ant more than ever.

Dec sat in his dressing room alone. Dressing and makeup didnt feel weird as unlike SNT he and Ant always had different dressing rooms for BGT. The first time in dressing room for SNT was so hard. He missed their banter, Ant's teasing and the hug that they used to share before the show. But it was just one day and he braved through it. In finals they were in Orlando and Dec missed him more because in Universal Studio, he was constantly reminded of what all they had planned to do together. He decided to do BGT alone only because of one reason: They are professionals. There is no way he will let anyone else take it from them. Even if Dec hosts it, the show will always be antanddec's. There is no way he will let anyone forget his best mate or forget what all they can do together.

He hear a knock on the door and look up to see Stephen poking his head in. He enters and sit near Dec "How are you feeling ?"

"What do you think? I am pissing in my pants man"

" him. Even if you had asked us not to mention him, we all know you miss him. I would have asked him to be here if I could"

"I know. And he will come for me if he could. But I cant. I know how tough all these are for him. I never talk to him about Takeaway or BGT. I know he is already blaming himself. I dont want him to worry over me. I dont want to make him feel guilty thinking he had put me through it"

"You are doing good mate. You are standing up for you both and I know he will be proud of you" That was all Stephen could say to comfort Dec. He had tried to make Dec happy since Takeaway by pulling out jokes and weird acts. He succeeded many times too. But it was different. Many times, Dec's laugh were forced and other times, careful. It was not the laugh he had with Ant. Dec had missed Ant's humour; he missed his voice; he missed his laughter ; he missed watching Ant's cringing eyes when he laughed; he missed seeing affection and pride in Ant's eyes when he makes Dec laugh; he missed making Ant laugh and more than anything he missed being close to his best friend. Stephen had noticed that change everytime. Everyone looked after Dec as they can and they always hugged him or pulled him close knowing how he like being comforted. But that too was different. He didnt lean into their hugs like he did for Ant's . He didnt relax his head to their chest in affection or tightened his arms around them like with Ant. It was formal and short. If anyone had come even close to giving Dec that hug, it was Ali. Everyone knew the difference. They all knew how much Dec missed his best friend and the emptiness due to Ant's absence was clearly visible around Dec .

Suddenly they hear a knock and the judges, lead by Simon enters .  He look at Dec and smile "How are you Dec?"

Dec: "Terrified"

David: "Dont be.. we are there"

Dec: "More the reason why I worry"

Amanda move to him and hugs him "You will be alright Dec... we all are with you"

Dec nod at them carefully and with many well wishes and assurances they with Stephen, file out of the room.

As time passed, Dec felt more nervousness catching up his throat. His phone rings and he see Ali calling "Hey pet, how are you?"

Love Like These ( Prompts/ AntandDec Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now