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Ant tapped his foot in restlessness as he waited for Anne Donnelly to pick the phone. He is going to ask her Dec's hand. He has planned a great surprise and all he needs is her permission. He knows she loves him but still, there is that worry, that teeny bit of self-consciousness.

Anne: "Hello pet, how are you"

Ant: "I am fine. Mm...Anne...I...there is something I have to ask you..."

Anne: "Don't tell me you forgot Dec's favourite lullaby"

Ant laughs at that "Nope. Not after last time. He pulled a real tantrum at me for that"

Anne: "Always the littlen of the family. So?"

Ant: "Mm...I....I am thinking about...proposing him....I need you permission"

Anne: "Proposal?! I mean like marriage?"

Ant's heart clenches in his chest as he hears hesitation in her voice

Ant: "Y-Yeah..."

Anne: "W-When?"

Ant: "Tonight? He has asked me to dinner and I thought I will-"

Anne: "Oh pet, don't you think it's too soon?"

Ant: "But Anne, we have been dating for like ten years-"

Anne: "But that's childhood love, pet. I think you should wait a bit, you know-"

Ant: "Don't you trust me?" There was pain in his voice

Anne: "Oh love, I do. But in long run, it will only do good to you. I don't want you to rush"

Ant: "Anne, he is my world. He has been for past 15 years and we are both adult-"

Anne: "Anthony, you called me to ask for permission and this is what I have to tell you. But if you want to carry on without my blessings or-"

Ant: "No, Anne. I will wait... And I will prove you how serious I am about it"

Anne: "I know my son will not get anyone better than you Ant...I just don't want you to rush into anything too soon"

Ant: " you wish. Take care Anne"

Anne: "Take cars pet"

Ant sighed and tears threatened to fall from his eyes Don't Anne yet know how much I love him?

That evening Dec gets ready for dinner but notices Ant's drawn face

Dec: "What's up with you? You have been silent all day"

Ant: "Nothing...just feeling down. I think I am coming down with something" I can't tell him what his mam said

Dec: "Then you want to cancel this arrangement? Maybe you should rest?"

There was disappointment in his voice and Ant smiles Trust my Dec to be the sweetest

Ant: "No. You have been looking forward to it. Let's go"

Dec: "But..but if you don't enjoy it..then what's the point of a date night?"

Ant: "Date night, eh? How will I say no to that?"

He kisses Dec's head and they set out to their favourite restaurant

After the nice dinner, they walk through the riverside park they always came to spend time with. Dec was shivering and Ant held him close

Dec: "You liked the dinner? Was it nice"

Ant: "Everything I do with you is more than nice Deccey" he kisses Dec's cheek and sees him hesitating

Ant: "What happened?"

Dec: "What do you think about spending our whole life like this? Together?"

Ant stops shocked and turns to Dec "Wh-what?"

Dec gets down to one knee and takes a ring from his pocket

Dec: "Since childhood, I had you with me. Through everything, every smiles, every tears, every silly angry rants, you stayed with me. You were there when I  lost my first puppy.. You were there when I came back from school bullied and beaten.. You were there when I came out to my family.. You were there when I lost my dad.. Without you I wouldn't have got through all of that. You make me happy with simple of your  expressions and you make me safe with simple words. You care, protect and make me feel safe and happy. And I want to feel that for a lifetime. And seeing that I have streatched it long enough to make my point clear, dear Anthony David Mcpartlin, will you-"

Ant: "Dec"

Dec's face falls down in an instance, pale and hurt. Tears fill his eyes

Dec: "W-what? Anth... Do you...I mean...don't you..Anth I thought you would want to -"

Ant sighs as tears fall from Dec and slowly lifts him from the ground and makes him sit on the bench

Ant: "Don't cry baby...of course I want to... There is nothing else I need more than to be yours and make you mine...but..."

Dec: "But what?"

Ant: "Anne doesn't want us to rush"

Dec: "Who?"

Ant: "Your mam. I asked her about this today and she said it's soon and that I should wait more and-"

Dec: "You asked my mam? Wait, you were planning to propose me?"

Ant sighs "Yeah, tonight. I called her for her blessings but she didn't give me and I couldn't do that without her being happy about us. Believe me when I say I want to, Dec"

Dec: "But, why would she do that? I spoke to her about this proposal she was okay with that. And why would- oh!! Oh mam.. "

Dec laughs out loud suddenly and Ant frowns

Dec: "Oh mam..mam..."

Ant: "What? Deccey?"

Dec: "Anth, I called her and Christine yesterday to ask about this and she was over the moon, I tell you"

Ant: "Then why would she -" it dawns on Ant and he gasps "She is with you. She wanted my plans to be off the sheets so that yours will work?!"

Dec: "Yup... She knows how much this means to me. I wanted to be the one to propose you, I have planned that speech for so long like. Wait, that was why you were so down today? Oh baby..."

Ant sighs and shakes his head "You Donnellys... Now I get why my mam was more than excited. She wanted us both to do it at the same time"

Dec laughs at that "Glad that didn't happen. So..."

He again bends down on one knee and takes Ant's hand "Will you?"

Ant laughs through tears "I will"

Dec puts the ring and Ant hugs him tight

Ant: "Your ring is hidden away beneath the kitchen sink"

Dec: "Romantic"

Ant: "Only place you won't enter"

Dec looks at him with whole lot of love "I love you, you know that right?"

Ant chuckles "After that eventful proposal? Yeah. Now let's call your mam"

Dec: "She ruined it for you eh?"

Ant looks at Dec with whole love and honesty "No. She made it more beautiful and....we have her blessings...."

Love Like These ( Prompts/ AntandDec Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now