Friday Night

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*Strong /cringy language*

Dec was sitting in the restaurant pub with his close colleagues and employees Geoff and Richard . They were celebrating the first-week success of his new employees Emily, Jade and Rick. As they were speaking and laughing, Dec felt a wave of loneliness. He wanted to get home desperately. It's friday night after all and the two new elder men were proved as incredibly annoying within few seconds of open conversations. He knew they were one of those kinds who finds themselves safe from anything as they can flash their family wealth. He had momentarily tuned out of the conversation when he was rudely pulled back to it by Jade "Declan!!" It was one of his demands that his employees shouldn't call him 'sir' once they finish the working hours. He was always looked up to as a boss anyone would love to work under especially when he is not in his equally famous short tempered state.

Declan: "Yes Jade?"

Jade: "Do you like men?"

Emily frown at that while Richard smirked
Dec just smiled "Yes I do"

Emily: "What sort of men do you all prefer?"

Dec didn't know how to reply to that even if he had the perfect description in his mind

Rick chuckled: "I would like to spend a Friday night with something like that in my bed... look at him man"

Everyone turned to see whom Rick was talking about and Dec felt his heart fluttering at the fine piece of manhood Rick has pointed at.

Jade: "Look at his torso man... and those muscles! He is bloody handsome"

Dec stares at that man and licks his lower lip He is

Richard: "On whom are you talking about actually?"

Jade: "That guy in black... god he looks edible. Bet he is a call boy"

Dec flinches at that and Geoff frowns at the way Jade was looking at that man "You mean the one with black hair? That's not a call boy, that's Ant. He owns this restaurant and many others"

Rick: "Owns this restaurant? can see where he got all the money to do that from. What won't I give to get him in my bed"

Richard: "He IS handsome. Lucky fella whoever who has him"

Jade: "I think many have. Hopefully us too at the end of the night. I would really like to hear him scream for more from me"

Dec takes a deep breath and turns to Jade "What do you mean?"

Rick: "He is actually thinking about hitting on him. Aren't you J?"

Emily laughd uncomfortably at that "Don't you think that's a rude comment to make, given that you don't know whether he is even into men or not"

Jade: "What if not? I will make him feel good with men too"

Rick: "And J is right. He does look like a great wanker. Which rich mogul will dress up and show off his hotness in a pub like this and look at his eyes.. not even falling on any other female meat before him"

Emily flinches at that and Geoff speaks " That's rude Rick. He is not even looking at other men. Maybe you are wrong about him"

Jade: "We are never wrong Geoffie boy and I bet his have been into many men's"

Dec takes in a deep breath and Rick sees that he is not taking it all well

Rick: "You didn't like him Dec?"

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