Phone Call

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Ant tapped his foot as he waited for the pizza hut to pick up. It was late at night and he was feeling really hungry and he willed someone would be there. He sigh in relief as the call got answered and a tired male voice croaked from the other side, acknowledging his call

Ant: "Hiya mate.. look I know it's late but I am starving hard so please take my orders?"

Ant said it all in one breath that the person in the other end could only listen in dumbfounded silence.Then Ant heard a small voice

"But.. but our working hours..."

"I know mate.. but please , now that you are in the shop....I hadn't anything since my lunch and I can't make this night without food" Ant tried his most gentle tone

"Ohh I am sorry.. okay.. our staff are out. So I will bring it to you myself..on my way home.. "

Ant sigh in relief and give his order and address "Sorry for the trouble mate"

"It's okay.. I will be there is 10"

"Cool.. take care pal, Love ya"

Ant hear a silent gasp at the other end as he ends the call

A while later Ant look at the clock and sighs. 15 mins has passed and it was drizzling outside. He was about to call the guy again when he heard a knock at the door. Ant walks swiftly and opens the door to find a man whom was a bit shorter to him with a cute face and drenched pizzahut uniform. Wow he's handsome was all Ant could think. Suddenly a thunder claps and the man flinches.

Ant: Ohh I am sorry.. you might be freezing outside.. come in"

The other man looked around dubiously "It's alright... I will wait"

Ant: "I have to take my wallet and all mate, so come in"

The man just nod and as he enters, he relaxes immediately.

Ant smile at him "Anthony.. call me Ant"

The other man smile politely "Declan Donnelly.. Dec"

Ant move to the tv racks in search of his wallet while he speaks "Sit down Dec, place that somewhere in the table. I hope you won't be late to reach home"

He hear Dec sighing at that "No"

Ant look at him dubiously "You alright? you seems tired" and true to his observation, Dec's face screamed fatigue and despire.

Ant took money from the wallet and sat near Dec "You look so worn out... should I make you a tea?"

Dec's eyes snap at Ant's and that's when Ant notice the man before him clearly Brown hair, Blue - Green eyes , small but well built body He is absolutely gorgeous. But then Ant notice his eyes welling up and he felt his heart tugging at that

Ant: "Hey.. what is it man? If there is anything you want to share?"

Dec: "No.. I.. I think I should go home.. thanks for the offer..It means a lot"

Ant: "It's raining outside and seeing that you don't have a coat, I will take my car.. or is there anyone who will pick you up.. I think you shouldn't go yourself"

Dec's eyes well up again and his lower lip trembles "No.. no one.. no.. one"

Suddenly a thunder claps and  this time Dec shakes with fear. Ant didn't know from where it came to him but he felt a sudden need to protect the man and he slowly put him arms around Dec's shoulders and pulled him close "Don't be afraid..."

Love Like These ( Prompts/ AntandDec Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now