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"Are you done yet? Isla is about to fall asleep"

Declan shouted to the kitchen, regretting it instantly as his little girl flinched in his hold. "oww.. don't be afraid... its food time for my baby..daddy's baby..."

"One minute Declan..its still warm" his better half said in a low voice

"Seriously?! You have been there for past 15 minutes. What are you even doing?"

"How about preparing food for our girl?! You are unbelievable! here , should I feed her?"

"Okay..but I will hold her... "

"Sure.. oww sweety... open your mouth.. good girl.. not like this grumpy daddy of yours"

"Oh I am grumpy now?! Its my fault that you took hours to get food for her?!"

"Just 15 minutes Declan.. and just for your information , this is all new to me"

"As if I had past dozen experiences.. its not always kisses and cuddles, is it uncle?!"

"Shut up man , oww baby.. lemme feed you.. you uncle Ant is here.. I am here..."

"Uncle Ant" Dec chuckled

"Daddy Deccey is also not so fancy alright?! Gosh if only Ali returned early... taking so long for shopping"

"Ohh so Uncle Ant is already fed up taking care of little girl?!"

"I am totally okay with our girl Declan.. its her dad that I am having problems with....ohh there.. you are all fed and well.. pretty lady , nap time..."

"Aww look at her eyes Anth... the way they flutters"

"Reminds of you.. when we were having sleepovers during Byker , I used to watch you sleeping...your eyes flutters the same when you dream"

"You used to watch me sleeping?!! anything you are not telling me old pal?!"

"Shush she is sleeping... and don't credit yourself mate.. I watched you only because I always wake up at night and could never find my sleep"

"Well, she is her dad's girl"

"She is really pretty so I doubt it and phew! here comes my savior..heyy Ali..."

"Hai Ant... when will you both stop bickering like these?"

"Isla is asleep pet and please make sure her dad is also asleep next time when you call me .. don't pout Dec... "

"I am not pouting.. you don't have time for us anymore do you? new friends and all"

"New friends?!! Oh jeez Ali.. you really should have waited for him to grow up first! Its like having an elder child ain't it?"

"Tell me about it.. staying for tea Ant?"

"Will love to.. only if Dec stops being all rude on me.. fatherhood taking its toll I see"

"Its not.. I am just stressed"

"Sleep then ... you want me to help in kitchen Ali?"

"No no.. just keep an eye on these two alright?"

"will do..pass me that blanket and Deccy.. please sleep.. I really can't with this grumpiness"

"I am not grumpy..but yeah knackered like. Wake me later and don't go anywhere"

"I won't.. now that Isla is too happy in her dad's chest.. I will just watch you both sleep from here... always mate..."

Love Like These ( Prompts/ AntandDec Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now