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Ant wandered into Dec's home to make sure his friend is all dressed up and ready for his first date with their manager

He enters the room to see Dec with his hands on his head, looking at his brand new shirt

Ant: "What happened?!"

Dec: "Well, the new shirt that I brought, I ironed and kept it on the table"

Ant: "Okay... and?"

Dec: "Let's say Rocky not always finds the best place to sleep?! What am I gonna do?Ali will for sure fill my ears for being so irresponsible and childish"

Ant: "Huh well..."

Dec: "Dont! Now what am I gonna wear?"

An hour later

Dec : *leaning for a kiss* "You are so beautiful Ali....."

Ali: "You too look han- ... wait!! why is the smell of Ant's cologne coming off your shirt?!"

Dec: "Huh..well"

Ali: "Declan!!......"

Dec: *sighs*

...5 minutes later:

Ali: ".........and I don't know when you will grow up, infact you both will grow up,its only better of I move in with you...yeah I will do that"

Dec: "What!"

Two years later

Dec was holding Ali and swaying at their first dance when she leaned to him

Ali: "Well Dec, I want to ask you something..."

Dec: "Go"

Ali: "Pray tell me what happened to your best man's boutonniere?"

Ali asks guesturing Ant's bare lapel where a white rose should have been

Dec: "Okay.. I can explain...."

Love Like These ( Prompts/ AntandDec Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now