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I came across this antanddec video on Insta featuring the song I wrote in my last chapter. This sort of made me emotional especially after writing that story. Check it out at:



Stephen looks curiously at Dec's love-stricken face

Stephen: "What is the matter mate?"

Dec: "Didn't you see?"

Stephen: "What?"

Dec: "What happened with me and Anthony Mcpartlin today?"

Stephen: "What happened?"

Dec: "Didn't you see that Anthony and I got a...little more...intimate with each other  today?"

Stephen: "Intimate? You literally just shook each other's hands for half a second"

Dec: "Exactly. I can't forget that feeling"

Stephen: "Unbelievable"


Stephen was about to bite into the burger when his phone beeped. He takes it to read Dec's text

Dec: Stevie, I know I just have to tell him I love him. But I am so afraid..

He was about to reply when another text came in

Ant: Do you think flowers will be a good way to let him know my love? You know I am completely in love with him

Stephen opens the text to reply when another text pops up

Dec: "How about dinner? Do you think that's a good idea?"

Ant: "Do you think I should ask him out for a dinner? But what if he doesn't like the food?

Dec: " What if he prefers home food than hotel food?"

Stephen sighs in frustration and looks up from his phone to his friends sitting opposite to him, busy on their phones

Stephen: "Can't you just tell each other that you love each other? I am done playing in between"

Ant and Dec look up from their phones to Stephen and then to each other. They then turn to Stephen again and ask together
"He loves me?!"

Stephen: "Unbelievable!"


Ant was making toast for him and Dec when Stephen came in, bringing the papers

Stephen: "Where is Dec?"

Ant: "In the shower"

Stephen: "Are you up for the match today?"

Before Ant could reply, a blood-curdling scream is heard and he and Stephen rush in panic to the bathroom.

Stephen: "Dec?!"

Ant: "Baby..are you okay? I am coming in"

Before he could enter, he is presented with a handful of his lover, who was shivering like a drenched puppy"

Ant: "What happened?!"

Dec: "Gh-Ghost!"

Stephen: "What?!"

Dec: "Yeah..mirror.."

Stephen enters and comes back with a fear-stricken face "Oh my God Ant, it's true. Something is after Dec".

Love Like These ( Prompts/ AntandDec Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now