What all I said...

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Dec huffed in anger as he checked his gears for the last time and ensured that his shirt is fine and crisp. They were asked not to wear bulletproofs as it was just a regular police watch over on some march led by the students of the nearby college. Declan places his gears in place and looks up to find a slightly taller man walking over to him with a guilty expression, his preparations over.

The man looked at Dec with hurt in his eyes and spoke "Just hear me out, baby... You were like this since morning and I hate seeing you like this. Let me explain Declan!"

Dec felt his fury boiling "What is there to explain Anth?! Today is our 10th anniversary Anth... 10years since we got together and I woke up to an empty bed and a letter from my boyfriend saying that he had to go for some immediate work. And then I find out that there was no such work and he had spent the entire morning of our anniversary with Neal, who looks at my man every time as if he is something put down to him for his dinner. He proposed you once in case You forgot!!"

Ant look at Dec in disbelief
"And I told him that day that I don't want anyone else than You in my life in case You forgot"

"That doesn't mean you won't change. I have been watching you for some time and you are distracted Ant. I was feeling like you are going to do something that would hurt me and today you went with him to some job I don't know about. And you don't even bother to explain what it is"

Ant looked at Dec pleading "I.. I can't Dec... You should realise how much you mean to me"

Dec looked at him with a steely glare
"Do I?! I don't think so Anthony. I should have realised sooner that not all fairy tales end happily. I am done, man. You just spend a day with someone who wants you in his bed for long and doesn't even care to explain to me why. You didn't even remember our day man. I was an idiot believing you.. trusting you. I should have gone with Stephen when he asked me. I was a fool for staying beside you. I will be more than happy to go if Stephen calls me again which I know he will. At least he won't make me feel so worthless and failed"

Ant looks at Dec with shock and hurt and Dec understood that Stephen's bit struck where it has to. This is more than any other punishments he could give Ant

"Don't do this Deckey... You know I love you"

"Only if your words were true as your actions which clearly goes against them"

Ant was about to retort when a siren shrilled signalling them to get to some riot sites and Ant look at Dec with hurt, hope and love "It's not done a deal man... you won't leave me ever! We have to talk about it tonight"

"There's nothing to talk. Just leave me alone! and let me be happy with someone who makes me so "

Dec put the helmet on and walked out, away from Ant all the while thinking what all will he tell Ant that night and in what all ways would Ant explain why he forgot their special day and went out with that Neal.

As they reach the scene wearing gears and baton, Ant spot Dec two men after him, beside Stephen. The march was turning violent and he saw Dec throwing glances at him too. They both were worried about each other's safety. Suddenly the whistle is heard and they rush to the now violent masses with batons and shields. As always, Ant and Dec remembered being close to each other and to look out for each other. As the riot turned nasty, they had to use tear gases and smoke. Dec was struggling to deal with a boy twice his size when another seized him by his neck. He pried the hand away and understood that now he has to deal with two of them. But he knew it won't be needed for long. Ant will be by his side soon. Ant would never let him get hurt. And true his thoughts he sees Ant running towards him. But before Ant reached halfway to him, he had pried the hand away and had put the boy in shackles. Dec looked at Ant and nodded to tell him he was okay. Many boys had started retreating and they knew they could easily overpower the rest.

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