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Rock music was blaring through the speakers in the crowded night club. Dec stood in a corner downing the last bit of dark liquid into his throat, drowning the last bit of sorrow that choked him. He look around and see everyone enjoying themselves, and here he is slowly disappearing himself... disappearing into nothing. He slowly stand up and walk to the bar counter for more. As he look around, his heart skips a beat Aaron!

Dec moves behind the crowd but was pushed here and there and into the dance floor. He was afraid Aaron will spot him and he tries his best to get away from there. Suddenly his feet trip on one of the stools and he falls down.. or he would have if someone hadn't caught him on time. He look upto see a slightly taller man with dark hair and a pair of most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen. The man was holding him to his chest and he slowly places Dec on his feet, arms still wrapped around his waist, Dec's hands clutching his shirt.

Dec look around to see curious eyes on them but more to his distress, Aaron has seen him... and what's worst? he is walking towards him. Dec's heart sprints in his chest remembering all those abuses, all those pain, all those insult. His saviour might have noticed his fear. Dec hear a gentle voice close to his ear "Are you alright? You not hurt?"

Dec turn to the taller man and without another word, hugs him tight and whispers to his ear, through the blaring music "My ex boyfriend... please.. please hold me.. I don't want to see him...he will insult me.. he.. he always does.. please help me"

The man tighten his arms around Dec, without replying.Dec feels an odd sense of safety and realise why that man didn't reply.The next thing he hear is Aaron's voice behind him.

Aaron: "Ohho if its not my cry baby here...who's this, titch? Got another one already? He must be good at cuddles and tears... but does he know that you are upto no good in bed? oyy look at me"

Dec's face was still buried in the taller man's chest who slowly nudges him.Dec raise his head and looks at Aaron "What do you want Aaron?"

Aaron: "Oh he talks... Well, who is this?"

Dec: "What's it for you? You don't care about me" he stuttered

Aaron: "Care about you? You are nothing but a big failure baby boy... just be happy that I kept you for long"

Dec: "You didn't keep abused me..."

Aaron: "Lower your voice Declan..or you know what I-"

Aaron take a step forward and Dec shiver in fear but the taller man's hand tighten around him. He looks at the blue orbs now filled with concern. Aaron continues "Heyy mate, whoever you are, I bet you only met him tonight.. get rid of him as soon as possible . He is just a clingy thing.. you cannot expect anything else"

Dec felt tears stinging his eyes and blinks rapidly.But his heart skip a beat as he feels the man tightening his arms around him again and replies to Aaron

"Mmm really? but.. that's not what I felt yesterday...or the day before... or all those times with him... maybe you are the problem... my man is beyond perfect, Mr. Whoever you are..."

Dec's eyes snap at the stranger who now has his both hands around him, hugging him. Dec shivered as he placed a swift kiss on his cheek

Aaron's face screamed anger and humiliation . He moves to Dec "When did you meet him? And did you forget how I treated you and who owns you? Whose you are??"

The man tighten his hold on Dec and turns him around to his chest, practically cuddling him.He looks at Aaron in the eyes and growls "Mine...he is mine.."

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