Two or None

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Dec walked to ITV studios in worry. He felt odd being there on his own and more than anything cameras seemed to follow him all the way. He entered the conference hall in silence and sat beside their PR executive. There was none on his right. None dared to sit there. Slowly, the meeting started mentioning all that had happened in Ant's life and much to Dec's disinterest, what all can that do to their brand. Dec had enough of those from papers that he wanted to go out of the room. Suddenly one of the ITV executives spoke up "So Dec, what's your decision?"

"I had called Ant this morning. He.. he is okay with me hosting alone. So, I think I will"

Everyone looked at each other and slowly the eldest member of the committee spoke up and Dec knew what was coming . "Declan... the thing is that, we dont know whether Ant could even get back his image or even be ready to be back in the limelight"

Dec tensed at that but asked bravely "What do you mean Taylor?"

Another of them spoke up, this time with sympathy "Maybe its time AntandDec ended Declan. Maybe its time for you to move on alone"

"You want us to split up?!"

Everyone wince at that and realised how hard that prospect is but they too wanted to satisfy their viewers "Its about the show Declan. And we know you can do them all well alone!"

"Them all?! You mean you want me to host every one of our shows alone?!"

"Yes. And also.."

This time their new manager spoke up "We were thinking of rebranding you"

Dec flinched at that and looked at the new guy with fire in his eyes "And what should I be rebranded as? "

The new guy feels intimidated "err.. Declan Donnelly of course"

Dec look at him for long, lot of ideas on what to do with that guy going through his mind

Suddenly one of  the producers speak up "You have to decide now Declan. ready to do that?"

Dec takes a deep breath and turns to their new manager "You are fired. Get out"

Everyone look at Dec in amazement and realise this is no longer the cheery , bubbly Dec they are used to . Dec slowly takes his backpack, and pull out some papers. He then  arrange them in a bundle and throws it accross the large table with a thud "If that is your demand, this is my response. You can sign this. I will too"

He pick up a pen and throw it on the table. Everyone frowns reading the document. It was documents stating the end of all their contracts. As everyone look at him frowning, Dec leans forward on the desk and speaks with determination "Two or None! You decide"

The elder executives gasp at that phrase. Everyone including Dec look at them . Taylor, the oldest of them take a sip from the glass of water infront of him as his head takes him back... 15 years back... to the first time they had heard similar phrase

15 years ago ( Taylor's PoV)

I look at the young man before me with pride and arrogance. " So... as you know the situation and that he is no longer capable to front these family shows, you can easily go big on your own. This is a choice for decide"

The young man stands up and take the documents from his jacket pocket. He throws it accross the desk and I flinch as it fell with a thud. He looked at us with frustration . He have decided then. He will have to front these alone now. I look at him and smile winningly as I took the documents. As we read it, we all had surprise on our face . It was a document stating the end of all their contracts with us.

I looked at the fresh faced man in surprise. He had just entered the prime time TV royalty and he was throwing it all away in an instance. He looked at us all with contempt and determination and there was no doubt in his voice when he spoke up:

"Two..... or None!! You decide"

We could only look at him in surprise and it was the biggest lesson in my life.

And we went with his demand. I was extremely happy to be proven wrong. It was the day when my arrogance was plundered. When a young Anthony Mcpartlin showed us that there are many things important in one's life than the showbiz glory we all run after for.


Taylor looked at the middle aged man before him. Many things have changed since then . They were not this big.. there were no one to stand with them like Dec has now... no one to speak for them ... no papers to hail their story or no showbiz pals to narrate their anecdotes. They were not this rich, this powerful, this popular or accepted. They didnt even had the authority to fire their own chauffer, let alone their manager. Still the eyes that were now looking at him mirrored the same emotions he had seen 15years ago in another set of eyes - Determination, loyalty, trust and dedication.

As everyone looked at the older man in question, he spoke up the same words he used years ago "I understand... I realise. We agree to your proposal and tell him he is always welcome here"

He then turn to others "He can do it alone until Ant come back"

Dec smile at that. And Taylor catch something else in the smile. Affection. Dec has realised what he was reminded about.

As Dec moves out , everyone look at Taylor in question "They are drowning Taylor.. you want us to drown with them?"

Taylor laughs at that "They wont drown. They have been through worst. None can beat them as along as they are together . Nor our money, nor our authority ,nor our shows. Because they are stronger than us all. They have always been"

They all realise what he meant and smile thinking back to all those time they had came back stronger from deep falls.

Their three decade carrer is not a miracle.. it is build on something stronger ; something trustworthy; something rare and something precious.

Taylor looked at their conference hall wall with framed photos of ITV pride moments. And in most of them, two Geordie kids beamed back with joy.

They will always be antanddec


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