Kill Him

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Dec's hands trembled as he held the gun straight, pointing to the chest of the person opposite him. His eyes find the blue eyes staring at him in defeat

Dec: "Anth.... run..."

The person opposite to him look at him wide eyed "W-what? Aren't you shooting me?"

Dec: " I can't"

He hear footsteps from behind and stare at Ant with fear in his eyes "That must be Stephen...  run Ant, run..."

Dec was panicking now and Ant walk to him and holds him close "Hey.. hey don't. its okay its okay"

Dec: " It's not, they want me to shoot you..I can't...I won't... if they find you... run Anth.. run... please"

Ant: "Listen to me De-"

Before he could reply, something strike his shoulder and he fall back , crying in pain

Dec: "Ant!!!Nooo.. "

Dec move to crouch beside him with tear filled eyes while Ant writhered in the floor

Ant: "Oh...jeez.."

A figure loom behind Dec, trying to pull him up

Stephen: "Leave him Dec...and come on... we have to find the more of them, come.."

Dec shrugs his hand and look at him with hatred in his eyes "He is in pain you bastard!! YOU SHOT HIM!"

Stephen: "What if I did? Comeon"

Dec: "He is pain Stephen!! I won't leave him alone.."

Stephen: "I knew we shouldn't have taken you-"

Ant: "Whatch out Steve! Deckey its okay..."

Dec: "Its not... I know you are in pain"

Stephen: "For fucks sake Declan...IT WAS JUST A PELLET...NOT A BULLET"

Dec takes his own gun and shoot at Stephen's leg, who howls in pain "THE PELLET HURTS YOU TITHEAD"

Stephen: "Its a game Declan!!"

Dec: "He is my boyfriend Stephen!!"

Stephen look at the smaller man in wonder while Ant laughed in mirth

Stephen: "Don't you laugh at us you idiot.Why didn't you shoot him?"

Ant falls silent.

Stephen shakes his head and calls out to their fellow teens "Guys, let's call this game off and play 7 minutes in heaven! The only game in which these two compete with each other...  "

He huffs and walks to their friends while Dec grin at Ant "7 minutes eh?"

Ant: "Lets see" we winks

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