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Dec knelt down to the ground and put the flowers down. Tears were streaming down his to cheeks . He took a deep breath and stuttered "I ... I loved you so much... I didnt know whether you felt it but I did. And I know you loved me too. Why did I forget how short life is.. I thought you will be always with me... with me until I die... now I have to live my life with your memories. It hurts you know... knowing you wont be annoying me anymore... You won't be stalking me anymore... that...that I can never cuddle you again...I can never scold you when you take my pie..when you trip my favourite vases...when you..when you wake me with your kiss everyday. Why did I scold you so much? But you know I loved you didn't you? You were always with me.. You were there when I laughed...you were there when I cried.. you were there to hear all my complaints, all my rants. Whenever I need a cuddle, whenever I need a company, I had you... but now, do you realise that you left me alone? I know I have people around me..but with you, it was different... they say I can move on and have another... you know I can't dont you? I just cant... how can I go back home? You were a big part of it..you still are but...but you won't be coming back anymore, I wont see you anymore... why you? why now? "

Dec wiped his tears and looked at the fresh mud on the ground "It was not easy to see you go..its not easy to realise that I have to live without you...you were always a bigger part of my life.. you always will be"

Dec leaned down and kissed the small stone upon the grave and turned away "Hope you are happy in heaven"

He walked down the garden steps but he couldn't control the sobs .He felt his legs turning jelly and sits heavily on one of the steps.He cover his eyes with his palm and sobs overtakes him. He hear muffled footsteps hurrying to him and a beat later he feels strong hands around him .He sobs harder at that

" I am sorry... I am sorry, its silly but I..I can't..."

"Its not silly...its not silly Deccey... you can cry as much as you want"

Dec hug the other person closer and whimpers "She was everything to me Anth... everything..."

"I know...I know.... believe me I am also sad... I too can't imagine our life without her"

"But you are not crying...I am crying..."

"You are my sensitive boy Deccey..of course you cry and I love you more because of that "

"You think she will be happy in heaven?"

"I don't know where she went love , but wherever she is..she will be happy"

"Is it my fault that she is... that she..."

"No baby.. she was old... we were expecting this"

"Not too old..you  gave me her just after our wedding..its just 6 years since..."

"I know.. but cats are different from us baby...their lifespan is small"

"Emma's cat is 15..she is still strong"

"It depends baby... Now stop with these tears love, you will tire youself out"

"Why are you not laughing at me? "

"I would never do that!! I know how much you loved her... we will miss her.. but don't worry sweetheart, she was as happy as she could with us...with you..."

"You sure of that?"

"More than anything... I am with you baby..you can get through this"

"Thank you for being with me...I don't know what I will do without you...I love you so much"

Ant wiped Dec's tears and kiss his forehead"Me too Deckey..Now comeon, lets go"

Dec walk to their car, leaning on to Ant and clinging to him. And as for Ant, seeing Dec's meltdown, he was terrified and beyond heartbroken... How will Dec cope without me.. who can put him together if he broke down for me?

Ant involuntarily moves his free hand to his chest

How will I tell Dec if my results came positive tomorrow?........

Love Like These ( Prompts/ AntandDec Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now