My Dad's Boyfriend

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Just tried a different style.. dont know whether it'll work and really dont think this is a oneshot😂😂


The walk to my home from bus stop is really tiring, my college tag woven around my chain in odd angles. I should have asked my Dad to pick me up. He offered me but I didn't wanted to trouble him on a Saturday morning. I look at my college tag in contempt.What have they done to my face on it ?! Never would they put a nice picture on it. I laugh at my name beneath it..three long words. Angel Anthony McPartlin. And the said Anthony McPartlin is my dad. The best dad ever! I mean, of course I will say that because I am his daughter. But he is the most caring person I have ever seen. My mom walked out on us when I was 12. I am 19 now. I don't know where she is and I don't mind..I have him.. . And he have Dec. Oops! Declan is my dad's boyfriend and they've been together for 5 years now. I would have to say that they make the cutest pair ever and confess that I forgot all about Dec until now. Not because I dislike him, don't get me wrong. I know he is a sweet soul and he makes my dad so happy. And dont ask about my grandma Christine. Dec is her second son like. I know they talk a lot and if my grandma is right which I know she is, Dec is the reason why my dad is holding on. I am grateful to him and I like him. But the thing is , that's all what I feel about him. I never felt any affection for Dec. He is loving, caring and gentle and you just have to love him. I can clearly see why my dad love him but I just can't. Everyday when I phone my dad ,  I never ask about Dec, even if I know he must be listening from beside my Dad. We never clicked .Maybe I never tried. I don't know why . Maybe I don't want to acknowledge that my dad is into men, not because I dislike them or him, I don't know .I wonder whether I might have the same reaction if it was a girl because maybe I can't come into terms with the fact that he loves someone else other than my mother. I love him and am proud of him and want to see him happy. Dec makes him happy. And for me, Dec is just my dad's boyfriend.Nothing less...but nothing more.

I reach our street and I can see our home from here. My dad would be now in the kitchen cooking the breakfast and Dec would be sitting on the countertop talking about anything and everything. He is cute like that. My college is three hours journey from here so I only meet them in alternate weekends. I do feel guilty at times as I am taking away their precious day offs after a week of hectic work. But they never showed any signs of annoyance and take me with them to night outs, dinner and all. More than that every Sunday, when I am there, Dad take me to horse ranches and parks. Dec   always said he is not interested in such stuffs. But I know better.He is giving us some time together. And maybe this is better time to say that even when we are together , my dad never stops talking about Dec and the happiness in his eyes are so evident that I really don't mind Dec being there for him.

I enter through our gate and have to laugh seeing sweet flowers in vibrant colours on either side of pavement to our doorstep. I remember last time I came here , Dec whining to my Dad to put these here to which my Dad had rather fiercely disagreed. It's beautiful though.

I reach the doorstep and ring the bell . I hear footsteps approaching and the door opens to reveal my Dad grinning from ear to ear, his black hair messly arranged and blue eyes cringed in affection. He hug me tight and I kiss him , amused by the smell of  eggs coming from him "Ugg egg" I mocked

My Dad laughed at that , taking me in  "Yup.. someone wanted to try making omlets, only that he didn't know how to break them" .

I laugh adoringly knowing who the someone is and on cue a small round face with brown hair and green blue eyes pop up from the kitchen. "Hiya pet... sorry"

I nod at him "Hai Dec, nothing new there" I smirk and he blush.

That's the only conversation we had that morning. My Dad asks me all about college and friends and I try my best to satisfy him with my answers.I dont want to blatter everything. I came here for a space to think alone. As we were talking Dec got the table ready and we had our food together. It was my favourite breakfast and I can't help but think they are doing too much for me. As I walk into my room after breakfast, my thoughts are already about going back to college on Monday. I really don't want to. I push my door open and sweet smell of rose and lilly fill my lungs . Dec! no doubt. He might have cleaned and made my room ready when he knew I was coming. There is no way my Dad will think about all these things. I lie on the freshly made bed and think about what all to do for two days. Only that, the two days went on quickly.

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