Business Man's Husband

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Based On scene from a Novel I Read Recently

Dec was standing before a three foot art piece as the older man put his hands around his shoulders, slowly pressing . Dec felt irritation building up inside him and wanted to smash the other man's face hard in.But he cant. The rich bitch next to him is an important client for his husband and he knew how much the rich bastard near him costs. The other man's hand move through his back and reach his bum and kept it there. Dec flinch at the contact all the while feeling nauseous. He felt as if being used. The older man is feeling him.

The man's hand moved up and slowly rubbed Dec's shoulder and spoke looking at the sculpture
"Anthony owns great things... perfect... just perfect...."

Dec felt tears in his eyes as he understood its not the sculpture that the man was describing. They are at an event of business mergment and auction. Dec never fancied the multimillionnaire parties his husband is obliged to attend and being the most loving man ever, Ant never forced him on that. He is an Art Teacher in a University and it was the only reason why Ant asked him this time as the auction included not only business firms but also art objects. But the costly client near him has his eyes on Dec and Dec felt as being humiliated.

He knew that this is all part of business .  Spouse of every business men around him including the one who is now feeling him had gone through it . He always thought that it only concerned women. But last week he met with the boyfriend of one of Ant's friends who asked him without any guilt whom all he had slept with for his husband.  Dec had said none as Ant never asked him to do anything like that and he was met with a stare of disbelief   . He knew why he got that. No one could understand why a millionaire like Ant married an Art Teacher like him. Dec wasnt an Art Teacher when they got together nor was Ant a millionaire.

He was snapped out of his reverie rudely by the middle aged man palming his bum again. He knew people seeing this doesnt care much as it is usual out here in these parties . Dec felt fear creeping in. Ant is inside in a meeting  and he is alone and being used by a man who is crucial for his husband's firm. He closed his eyes in distress and humiliation, his fist closing to repress his anger .  The older man had come closer and as his strong perfume struck his nose, he felt nauseated. He wanted to walk away but couldnt as it would be disrespectful and rude. He wont embarrass his husband like that. So he held a rigid posture as the man practically felt him.

Suddenly strong arms wrap around his
waist and pull him back to a familiar chest, literally snatching the older man's hands
away . As familiar scent fill his lungs, Dec feels relaxed and an odd sense of security wash over him.  "Hai baby..." Ant whispers and kiss him sweetly on his cheek. Dec giggle at that and relax into the hold. The older man smirk at Ant and turn to the sculpture and speaks meaningfully  "Anthony.... you have a posession of beautiful objects... such a perfection and endearing too. Never seen anything as amazing as this. I would have brought it in an instance for twice the cost you ask me" Dec flinch at that and Ant's hands tightened around him. There were other people with Ant including his assistant, business partners and other friends. They look at them in worry as they all realise about whom the man was talking about. This was not a big deal for them usually but this time they were afraid as Ant had never exhibited Dec in any functions before.  Ant slowly move between Dec and the older man, his hands tight around Dec's waist pulling him close . He too look at the sculpture infront and said "I know Mr  Mason... And by the way, the posession has a name and is the rarest of its kind. I would trade this for nothing in this world. Keep your eyes off what's mine" Ant smile at the man formally but everyone understood the tone of his voice . He just threatened the rich git infront if them. Ant then kiss Dec's hair "Come on darling...."

Ant didnt leave Dec's side throughout the event. He took Dec to everywhere and introduced him to everyone, asking his take on the art pieces around and looked at him with pride as Dec explained his knowledge on them leaving everyone else in awe.  Dec saw how happy and proud Ant was to do so and guiltly realise that Ant always wished to take Dec to such events. As they sat for auction to start, Ant sat with his hand on Dec's shoulders holding him close as they went through the list.
"So select pet... which one do you like the most?"

Ant laughed when he saw Dec adorably putting his tongue out and concentrating on the list. The he slowly sighed "I loved it all"

"You want it all?!"

"Sure you can't afford them all"

"I will find a way if you want them that bad"

"I dont. You know I am happy with what I have " He winked at Ant and Ant blushed.

The auction starts and Dec see Mr Mason staring him at times .  That man freaked Dec out and he slowly place his head on Ant's chest and snuggle closer.

Ant knew something was not right
"What  is it love... you are it Mr. Mason?"

Dec's head snap up "He doesn't matter. I know its usual out here"

"That doesn't mean its right"
He sweep a stray hair off Dec's forehead and Dec smile at that.

As the auction progress, Ant's firm is called and as expected Mr. Mason called the highest bid. Dec realised that he is more desperate to get this deal. Dec didnt wanted Ant to work with such a man but he knew there are people worst than him around them . As the bid is about to be finalised, Ant stands up." I would like to sign this deal with Mr Reynold". He says looking at the second highest bidder and everyone look at him in surprise. Mr. Mason looked crestfallen and Dec had to smile at that smug face. He felt his lips quivering and an urgent need to attack Ant's lips with his own struck him. His husband looks at the officials sternly and asks "Is there a problem?"  Dec felt everyone quivering at that intense stare and confident voice.

Dec's heart swelled with pride at the way Ant could deal with everyone. No one asked any questions as none wanted to anger Ant. Dec giggle as Ant sit down,  look at him lovingly and winks.
"Chose your favourites?"

Later that evening, Dec entered their home with huge smile. As they entered their room after unloading what all they had brought, Dec hug Ant tightly "Thank you.... what we brought are all valuable artworks"

"I know.. you didnt close your gorgeous mouth throughout the car ride. And about Mr. Mason..."

"You made him angry"

"He called you posession"

"I am.. yours"

"I dont own you baby... even if you are the most valuable thing I have"

"Am I? then show me my worth"

He pull Ant down and attack his lips urgently. Ant smile in that kiss
Dec is clearly the most valuable thing he have

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