Chapter one

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Author's note:

Hey guys, I'll apologize in advance if you find this a bit boring. The first two or three chapters might be like this since I'll try to cover some of the events that happened in the past and the feelings that taehyung and maybe others are going through now and then some which they already have  felt

It was hard for me to decide. I wasn't sure from which timeline I should start my story. It will gradually get better.


Kim Taehyung sighed as soon as his head touched the pillow.

'How many nights have I been up now?'

He had pretty much forgotten what a good night of sleep felt like. It's been three weeks and just like every night, he picked up his phone and called the hospital.

" Any good news, Dr.Park? " the same question.

" No Taehyung, I'm sorry " the Doctor sighed. The Same answer.

Taehyung hung up without replying and sighed again, this time frustrated rather than tired.

' When will you wake up, Dad? I miss you. I miss you so damn much that it hurts. How long will you stay in the coma? Do you hate me that much? That you'd rather stay asleep all the time instead of looking at me again? Please come back to me. Please!'

That's how his nights went. Thinking and blaming himself for something that wasn't exactly his fault but he refused to believe the fact.

' Of course it was his fault. If only he wasn't so pathetic, so effing weak, he might've done something. '

Taehyung shook his head again and admitted that he won't be getting any sleep tonight either.

Every time he closed his eyes, he could see his father's face, so exhausted and full of blood and bruises.

Every time he listened to the silence, he can hear his mother's screams about how everything was entirely his fault.

~ Flashback ~

" Listen to me Taehyung. You have to leave. There's not much time before the guy wakes up. "

" Dad... " A broken sob left his throat. " Please don't do this to me.. "

" You're an idol, Kim Taehyung. Your Armys love you, your members love you. You have to escape. Even if I don't make it, you have to. There are so many people out there who need you. You have a life, son. I've already lived mine so it doesn't matter what happens to me." His father ruffled his hair with his weak arms.

" It matters to me. How can you... " Another sob " D-dad, we're a family. You said Family means no one is left behind. Eon Jin and Jeong Gyu  need you. I need you. And mom..."

" Your mother will understand. Just tell her it was Minseok behind this. You're the older one in the house, taetae. Take care of your siblings and your mom, okay? That's the last thing I ask of you. Promise me. You'll take care of our family. "

" Dad... " Taehyung couldn't continue. He didn't know what to do.

" Now go before the others come back.. Hurry. "

He hugged his father for as long as he could until his father forced him to let him go. He gave him the same boxy smile that Taehyung had inherited. The smile was sincere and oh so bright. It was a shame that it was present on such a torn and beaten up face. Still it didn't loose its sparkle and relieved Taehyung a bit.

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