Chapter twenty one

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Jungkook woke up and found himself alone in V's bed. He immediately freaked out, imagining the worst. He ran towards the bathroom only to find it empty. Then, he checked every room in the house, quietly opening and closing everyone's bedrooms.

Where would he go at five in the morning?

Not knowing what else to do, he made his way towards Jimin and Hoseok's room once again and tried to wake Jimin up.

"Whaaaat?" Jimin whined loudly, pulling the covers back on him.

Jungkook stopped for a second, his hands on Jimin's mouth to prevent any more noise when he saw Jhope stir in his sleep. When he stopped moving, Jungkook shook Jimin lightly again.

"Hyung! I can't find V hyung." He whispered making Jimin shot up from bed.

"WHAT?!" He yelled, waking Jhope up in the process.

Jungkook mentally facepalmed.

"What? Where?" Jhope frantically looked around, his eyes finally settling on the two/third of the maknae line.

Jungkook and Jimin both held their breath, hoping that Hoseok will fall asleep again. But Jhope had other things on his mind.

"Is Tae okay?" He asked immediately when he saw both of their worried faces.

Jungkook and Jimin blinked.

How does he know?

Realising what he said, Hoseok rubbed his neck, giving a nervous laugh.

"What do you mean, Hyung?" Jimin asked, already dreading the answer.

"I... uh... heard you talking the other day...?" He said it like a question.

The other two's eyes widened.

"Don't worry! No one else knows." He assured, waving his hands around frantically, as soon as he saw their panicked eyes, making them sigh in relief.

"He's not in his room."

"I told you to take care of him. How could you just not notice him leaving?" Jimin asked, upset.

Ugh, I should have done it myself.

"I was, hyung! He had a nightmare and then I accidentally fell asleep, trying to sing him to sleep. When I woke up, he was gone." Jungkook looked down guiltily, making Jimin regret using the tone with the boy.

"It's okay, I'm sorry." He apologised.

"Let's go look for him." Hoseok jumped in the conversation.

They all were about to walk out of the door when Jin walked in.

"I heard noises. What's wrong? Kookie, what are you doing here?"

"Nothing." He mumbled. What else was he supposed to say?

"We just can't sleep, hyung. So, we were planning to go to the dance studio." Hoseok lied, feeling immensely guilty.

It wasn't unusual for the members of dance line to go to the dance studio randomly out of nowhere.

Jin nodded.

"Oh okay. Wait, I'll come too." The three widened their eyes.

"No, hyung. It's still early. Sorry for waking you up but you can go to sleep." Jungkook smiled at the oldest.

Jin narrowed his eyes. They're being suspicious.

"Are you planning something? Is this another one of your childish pranks?" Jin gave them serious looks, making all of them gulp and shake their heads No.

Jin nodded again.

"Well, you shouldn't mind me coming then." He said cheerfully and left the room to get ready perhaps.

They sighed simultaneously.

Since nothing could be done, they also started to get their coats and shoes, praying that Tae was alright.

Jimin sighed, relieved when he heard faint music coming from the dance studio. Jungkook and Hoseok looked at each other and nodded silently, both confirming each other's thoughts that it must be Tae in there.

They walked in and stood at the door, shocked and in awe, taking the sight in.

It was Taehyung, panting and dripping with sweat as he danced perfectly to the music, completely focused on what he was doing.

The even crazier part was that the music was playing on 2x speed. He was like a dance machine, doing what he was made to do skilfully. Hoseok had never been more glad to finally put him in the dance line because what he saw right there deserved to be in the best league.

The song ended and Taehyung stumbled to sit down as well. Since Jin had no idea of what was going on, he just clapped at the performance.

Taehyung stood up, obviously scared out of his wits when he heard the claps. He put his hand on his chest, trying to breath normally when he saw it was just the members.

Jin went in and hugged him, apologising for scaring him. Taehyung sat again, every limb shaking and hurting.

The original dance line walked in as well.

"That was great, hyung! When did you practice that?" Jungkook asked excitedly, only realising later what the question's answer would have to be.

V just shrugged, drinking water from the bottle that Jimin passed him, annoyed that his personal time to wallow in self pity and self hate was disturbed once again. All he wanted was to mourn and punish himself in a way that no one would notice, but he can't even seem to do that.

Unlike him though, the three were at ease now after seeing him safe and okay. Jin threw the unwanted question.

"When did you come here?"

Everyone froze except for V, who was now used to lying about stuff like this on daily basis.

"Just a while ago."

The three looked at V with their mouths open, surprised at how easily he had lied without a stutter or giving away any emotion.

It made them wonder how many times he had done that to reach at such a level of professionalism in such a short span of time. The second youngest never used to be good at lying.

"Let's get to work then!" Jin, the only excited one in the room said as he stood up.

They all danced for an hour or so until Jin's phone rang. He picked it up and assured RM that they were at the dance studio and would come back soon for breakfast.

They went home, tired and hungry. All four of them fell on the couch but V had other plans as he visibly dragged his aching body toward his room to take a shower.

Jimin, Jungkook and Jhope sighed, staring at his retreating back.

Looks like he's planning to skip breakfast once again.

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