Chapter three

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I had nothing written but I saw the notification that someone voted on the first chapter.
That was enough motivation for this newbie.


Taehyung searched for his manager's face in the crowd. It was a pain because both of them were in disguises so they had no idea what to look for.

Taehyung thanked the god for the manager's smart brain when he received a selfie from his manager. He looked around and spotted the guy, looking around at people with his phone in his hand. Taehyung ran up to him and resisted the urge to scream his name and jump on him because he had to avoid receiving attention. But Sejin had other plans.
As soon as he noticed Taehyung, he ran and gave him a tight hug, bombarding him with questions.

" Are you okay? How's your father? Did you eat? Oh god, why did you have to make me so worried? I was-"

Taehyung cut off his rant by pulling him into another hug. How much had he missed having someone around who actually cared?

" Calm down, Hyung. I'm okay now. " He said, trying to stop the tears from falling which were gathered in his eyes.

Sejin took his arm and gently dragged him to his car, and immediately they left the airport, on their way to home.

" I've told the members that you are coming back today. They said they'll wait for you at home. " The comfort he had felt being with the manager left and once again, the dread came back.

" Are they angry? " Sejin simply pursed his lips, trying to come up with suitable words to say.

" They were really worried, Tae " The short reply didn't soothe Taehyung's heart at all.

" But are they angry as well? " He pressedthe question and Sejin sighed.

" They'll be fine once you explain everything, okay? I don't know why you still haven't but make sure you tell them. " Sejin gave him a disapproving look, clearly showing his dislike for the younger's secrecy.

Sejin knew that Taehyung suffered the most and he is now as well and although he had a special soft spot for him, still, all of the members were Sejin's responsibility to take care of in all matters and he would risk his own life before letting anything bad happen to any of them.

The previous month or so was really hard for him. He was not just worried about Taehyung who was all alone in Daegu but also the rest of the members who were so worried about Taehyung, calling and texting him multiple times in an hour, asking if he's okay and when he'll come back.

" I will. I just wanted them to hear it from me and see that I'm fine. They would've been even more worried otherwise. " That wasn't the only reason, however. The main reason was because he knew that they'll insist on coming to Daegu right away.

And after what happened to his father, the one thing he would never do was get his member's life in danger, especially when the criminal was still on the loose.

" You're right. Just so you know they might be angry but I want you to know that they were really worried, okay? They won't eat or sleep properly and call me million times a day to get any news about you. "

The words brought a wave of guilt on Taehyung's heart. He sighed and looked down.
" I'm not saying that to make you feel guilty. I just... Even if they say something in anger, remember that you're still very important to them and it's just because they were very anxious and that's why they're acting that way. Keep that in mind. "

Taehyung nodded his head, the guilt still there. The car was silent for the rest of the journey as
he stared at the almost dark sky outside.


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