Chapter six

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" Taehyung! Is everything okay?" Sejin asked as soon as he picked up his phone. It was three am and he couldn't help but get worried.

" I can't sleep anymore, Hyung." Taehyung whispered, sounding really tired.

" What do you mean?"

" Since everything happened, I just can't sleep anymore. I feel so exhausted, I can't move a single muscle due to lack of sleep."

This was very concerning for the manager. Not just because it risked Taehyung's health but also because they were supposed to start dance practice from tomorrow.

The team had finished four songs and they were going to learn and practice the choreography for two of those songs.

"You're telling me this now?" He shouldn't have raised his voice but it was clear that the younger had no intention to inform him if the situation had been any different. It has been more than two months now since he came to Seol and he was mentioning this now.

" Sorry."

" Okay okay. Do the members know? Just tell them and then we'll go to the doctor tomorrow and start the practice from the next day or depending on the doctor's instructions, alright?" Sejin assured the younger and himself but was surprised to hear him panicking in return.

" No Hyung, please. I- Let's not tell the members and I don't want to go to the doctor. Please. Can you just get me sleeping pills instead? I'll be fine then." He said in a really fast pace.

Taehyung was in full panic mode now. The members can't know because they'll have to deal with another one of Taehyung's problems. It'll be a bother. And he'll have to give a reason behind his sudden insomnia and he just can't do that to them just a couple months before comeback.

He can't go to the doctor because then they'll find out that something is wrong with Taehyung. The doctor will know that he's not eating well and Taehyung just can't make himself to eat anything forcefully and he refused to take medication.

And then, if they cancel the practice tomorrow, they will have one less day to prepare. Taehyung had already wasted a month staying at Daegu, slowing the band down and every day is important from now. He'll go through hell and back before they had to loose another day because of him.

" Taehyung, what are you talking about? The members should know if you're not feeling better. And you can't just take pills without the doctor's advice." Sejin tried to reason but Taehyung had his own hundred reasons on why he shouldn't do that.

" No Hyung. Please. It's not important and they'll ask unnecessary questions that I can't answer right now. So, please do this favour for me. Please?" He argued or more like begged. But also accidentally revealed the information that he had been trying his best to keep to himself.

" What do you exactly mean by they'll ask questions, Tae?" He questioned, already guessing the answer.

So that's why everyone was acting so normal and carefree around Taehyung and not paying close attention to the second youngest.

" Do you mean to say that you NEVER told them anything in the first place?!" Sejin yelled this time, being done with the kid's and the Bangtan's stupidity.

How could he not tell them something so important?
And how can the members be so blind and stupid to not see how different the boy was?
But I'm also the stupid one here. How could I not figure it out when it was right in front of my face?

" Hyung, listen. Ple-" Sejin cut him off, going full on angry mode.

" No! You listen! I did not leave the place after dropping you so you could pull this stunt. I left because I thought you were smart enough to deal with this on your own. Because it was a personal matter so I didn't want to intrude." Sejin was hurt. He felt like by not telling them the truth, the younger had broken his trust. But Taehyung's next words shocked him to the core.

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