Chalter twenty nine

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The new album though...
Also Idol MV~ 💜💜

The members had to do their makeup again. The staff had to force them to leave without Taehyung, who was apparently in no condition to go in public at the moment.

They weren't really going to leave but being an idol meant responsibility. They had to do it.

"For god's sake, guys. Just learn something from the guy for whom you're doing all this!" Hobeom tried to knock some sense into them.

The members looked at him.

"He left his father in a coma, He freaking missed his father's funeral, he didn't stay by his mother's side who tried to kill herself and god knows what else that I don't even know yet... and why? Just because he cared for this band and his fans more than himself.

Can you stop being so pathetic and do at least this for him?!" He yelled at the end, staring at the guilty faces of Bangtan.

He tried to clam himself down a bit.

"Look. One member coming late is a lot better than all of the seven members missing. The fans are waiting so get your shit together." He left, giving them a couple minutes to think.

After a minute or two, Namjoon nodded.

"He's right. Let's just go." He sighed.

In the van, before getting off, Jimin spoke up.

"Hobeom hyung. He'll come right? If he can't, we can always make up excuses."

Hobeom just shook his head, giving a little smile at everyone's concerned faces.

"He's a lot stronger than you give him credit for, you know. He has mastered the art of hiding his feelings. Don't worry." He patted Jimin's back and nodded towards the door.

The members left, a little hurt.

It's not that whether he'll be able to pretend to be fine in front of the cameras.

We're worried because we don't want him to pretend.

We actually want him to be okay.

But still, can't blame him for thinking that way after the things we've said to Tae.

They went in and took their places. The fans cheered and screamed, some pretended to faint while some actually did.

The members smiled sincerely at all the cute and beautiful Armys.

No matter what they think, each and every one of them is beautiful.

But well, maybe it's because they've been together for so long or because they were horrible actors, the fans immediately noticed the sad and depressing environment.

They heard whispers before questions started about where Tae was and why everyone looked gloomy.

Jin was the one to speak up.

"We've been making him work so hard for the past few days even though he's been sick. We decided to give him a little time off. Sorry, but he'll be a little late. You don't mind waiting for him a bit, right?" He smiled a little at the end and everyone replied with a "No, it's okay."

They all talked and tried to make the atmosphere fun which worked to some extent.

Half an hour later, they heard a soft and deep voice singing.

Everyone stopped talking at once and from behind the curtains, a smiling angel came out.

(A/N; I can say I was drunk when I wrote this chapter but I'm a Muslim and can't drink... so yeah.. 😅 I really can't control these thoughts when my bias is involved.)

"Sorry for being late." He gave his sweet, boxy smile and his innocent doe eyes disappeared, melting everyone's heart.

Everyone screamed it's okay and welcomed him.

"Wow... it's fun to be fashionably late." He exclaimed excitedly and then laughed lightly, making everyone coo.

Thank god Tae kept everyone busy and Armys didn't notice the facial expressions of the other members.

Their eyes and mouths were wide open as they stared at the perfectly normal Taehyung, chatting with his beloved fans. To say that they were shocked would be the understatement of the century.

How is he so normal when only an hour ago he was crying and sobbing his heart out as he tried to breath?

Is that what Hobeom hyung meant when he said that he had mastered the art of hiding his feelings?

How long has he been acting and we never managed to find out if something was actually bothering him?

Instead of sitting in his seat that was next to Hoseok, Taehyung went forward and skipped Jin as well and stood behind Yoongi.

The fans asked him what was in the bag that he was holding and he said it's a gift for Suga hyung.

Yoongi stiffened a bit when the younger put his arm around him from behind in a gentle hug.

Then he placed the shopping bag in front of him, while the rest of the members stared.

"What is it?" The fans asked, curious.

Jin nudged Yoongi with his elbow, telling him without using words to get a move on.

Yoongi opened to find his favourite Starbucks coffee packed in it. He turned a bit and looked at the younger, as he took the cup out.

V mouthed a sorry and gave him another boxy smile as he left back for his seat.

"I gave Suga Hyung a hard time this morning because I wasn't feeling well. I hope hyung will accept my apology." He said with a pout which made the fans nod as one of them said out loud.

"Suga Oppa! You should forgive him. Taehyungie oppa didn't mean it." She smiled at the both of them while the rest of the fans also agreed.

"It's okay." Yoongi said softly and gave a smile to the younger.

And just like that they knew everything was okay.

The fansign went okay. They knew V was just pretending but his acting was so good and perfect that they tried to pretend for the time being as well that everything was okay and Taehyung didn't have any problems at all.

That will change when they get back home though.

They will make sure to force him to spill everything and they will talk so that they could make everything alright again.


This chapter is a bit on the cute side to make up for the previous depressing one. Sorry ( not really ) to make you cry.. 😅

Hope you're enjoying. Next chapter will be the last one, by the way.. Makes me sad.. I enjoyed writing this a lot.

Just reading your comments gives me life, honestly. Every comment just makes me smile widely and my heart just bursts when you tell me that you enjoyed it or when you write genuine things you felt when you read a paragraph or a sentence.

Thanks a lot for that. Gomabseumnida

Love you lots.. saranghae

Your author-nim

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