Chapter five

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Taehyung was staring at his ceiling after another sleepless night.

It has been four days since he came to Seol and the days were the same as always. Everything appeared to be normal.

RM, Suga and Jhope were in their respective studios, working on the new songs, occasionally meeting up with each other and other producers to discuss what they had worked on.

Jimin and Jungkook liked to spend their time in the dance studio, Jhope often joining them.
And Jin played the pivotal role of making sure that everyone had rest and were well-fed.
The stuff that changed was not apparent for others but it was all too obvious for Taehyung.

Before, Taehyung would often join RM in his studio and watch the older one work and sometimes try to compose something himself as well.

Or he would go to the dance studio and join Jimin and Jhope and they would try other groups' dance moves.

Or he would join Jin and watch him cook, passing him the ingredients. Then they would set the table up and call others for food.

Or the maknae line would spend hours playing video games at night, regardless of the hyungs' frustration.

But now, Taehyung would not join Namjoon or Hoseok in their studios.

He wouldn't dare walk in the kitchen at all because Jin reminds him of his mother and how he used to help her back at home.

He would go to the dance studio but only when Jungkook and Jimin weren't there because they would easily notice how tired and unhappy he was.

Jin was the only one paying attention to Taehyung and Suga would have too if he wasn't always scooped up in either his room or his studio. They were good at noticing small details of what the younger ones were feeling and had a great role in keeping everyone healthy and united.

" Taehyung, I brought breakfast. " Jin knocked after realising that the door is knocked.

That's weird. Tae never locks his door.

The knock brought Tae back to reality and he got up to open the door after giving himself a look in the mirror.

He looked horrible but it couldn't be helped so he just grabbed his hoodie, putting it on and made his hair cover as much of his red eyes as they could.

Jin didn't know what to think when he saw the younger. The only word he could use was tired.

" Hey. Did you sleep well? " He asked even though it was obvious that he hadn't.

Taehyung nodded and grabbed the tray from Jin's hand and walked back to put it on his bed.  Jin followed him trying to dodge the mess all over the floor. He had never seen the younger's room this messy and he's been back for only four days.

" Yah! You need to clean. This is even worse than Namjoon's. " He said in his usual high pitched voice, trying to get a reaction from Taehyung.

He was surprised when instead of his usual whining, Taehyung simply sat on the bed, replying I will, Hyung. Thank you for the food.

Jin had no business anymore but he couldn't leave without making sure that the younger was actually okay when he saw him picking on the food instead of eating. He stood there staring for a while and then moved forward to touch his forehead, checking for a fever.

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