Chapter eighteen

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"Jiminie Hyung? We need to talk."

Jimin turned around confused, wondering what it was. He nodded and replied with a sure.

Jungkook sat down on Hoseok's bed and gave Jimin a determined and serious look which scared the older a bit of what was to come.

"I want to know what's wrong with Taehyung hyung." He demanded confidently. Jimin being Jimin failed to lie and act nonchalant.

"There's nothing wrong with him. Why would you think that?"

But Jungkook was smart. He noticed Jimin avoiding his gaze and fiddling with his fingers a bit.

"Don't lie, hyung. I know you know something. Just tell me, please. I want to know what's going on!" Jungkook almost yelled in frustration.

Everything he's been feeling, all of his emotions were waiting to burst out on someone and Jimin wasn't helping at all.

"Look, I have no idea what you're on about but if that's all you had to talk about then I'm leaving for a shower. God knows I need one desperately right now." He tried to walk away but Jungkook just knew Jimin a bit too well.

"Do you need a shower because of how nervously you're sweating right now? I know you're lying, hyung." Jungkook sighed.

How do I make him tell me?!

Jimin wanted nothing but to disappear right then and there.

First, there was V whose secret he wanted to protect at all costs until he was ready to share everything.

But then there's the maknae who was looking so depressed and confused and worried about his youngest hyung.

But Jimin had made the decision to not tell anyone and he complied with it. He made Jungkook let go of his arm that the youngest had grabbed in an attempt to stop him from running to the bathroom.

"Okay, Listen. If there is something wrong like you claim, he'll tell us soon enough. You know how Taehyungie is, right?" He said it gently this time, trying to comfort him and not lie at the same time. But just like Jimin, Jungkook was persistent as well. He grabbed his arm again.

"Please hyung! You don't know how I feel right now! I'm so worried and tired. I want to know what's wrong so I can fix it. Tae hyung... he looks so unlike himself. It's hurting me so much. I want to know what's making him like that so I can fix it for him. I want to help him! I want to know that it's not one of us' fault that he's like that!"

"What do you mean, our fault?" Jimin dropped his stuff on the bed and went closer to Jungkook.

"Did you do something? Did he say something to you?"

"That's what I want to know! If there's something that we did. You know, when he came back from Daegu, hyungs yelled at him. And that night, when he came home drunk..." Jungkook trailed off.

Jimin considered the younger's thoughts. He never thought that could be a reason.

"But you know he was acting weird even before that." Jimin tried to assure the both of them.

"But what if we somehow made it worse without knowing? We never let him properly explain or anything." Both of them looked down, feeling guilty.

"I know you know at least something if not everything. I won't say anything, promise! Just tell me so I can do something about it. I can't keep silent and unaware of everything anymore." Jungkook gave him the kicked puppy look.

Jimin stood their for a minute, deep in thought. Suddenly, a light bulb appeared near his head.

"Actually, there is something you could do."

Jungkook's eyes lit up.


Jimin took a deep breath, thinking again if he was making the right decision. But then, looking at the kid in front of him, he could imagine how frustrating it was for him as well. So he confirmed his decision.

"Okay listen up. But you can't tell ANYONE." Jungkook nodded enthusiastically and promised, happy to finally be able to get something out of Jimin.

"I found sleeping pills in his room. Or maybe they were for anxiety, I'm not sure."

Already, Jungkook looked shocked and froze for a bit.

What? Why?

Jimin knew Jungkook was thinking the exact same thing he was when he found out. He answered the unspoken question.

"I don't know the full details and I didn't tell him that I saw them. I just managed to get it out of him that something was wrong and he promised to tell us later."

Jungkook was frustrated again.

If there IS something wrong, why won't he tell us?! Jimin hyung should have insisted more and forced the truth out of him. Staying silent and by ignoring isn't how BTS does things.

"What are we supposed to do if we don't even know what's wrong?"

Jimin continued with his plan.

"All I know right now is that he's having trouble sleeping. The other day, Hobi hyung said that cuddles help with insomnia. So I thought of sleeping in his room with him. I know it's not much but we can start off with that and gradually get closer to him and figure things out." Jungkook was baffled at first but shrugged afterwards. It's not like they could do anything else for now.

Jungkook nodded an okay, telling Jimin to continue.

"The problem is that I already have Hobi hyung as my roommate and I can't think of any other believable excuse. So instead of me, you can go sleep with him and since you're a better actor than me, he'll most likely believe any excuse you throw at him."

Jimin finished and Jungkook nodded immediately.

That's not that bad.

They both agreed with the plan and on the fact that this should be a secret between them.

The thing they didn't notice was Hoseok standing outside the room, behind the half opened door, listening to their conversation.

All this time, I've been worrying about the wrong person.

It's not Jiminie who needs help, it's Tae.

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