Chapter fifteen

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Forgot to mention in the last chapter, I got 84% marks.. Thank you for wishing me luck.. It means a lot. 💕

Dedicated to DestinySoul_Unknown
Thank you for always leaving a like and lovely comments.. 💜💜

Taehyung didn't seem to notice where the days went. All day and pretty much half of the night, they would work on the comeback, practicing choreography and having vocal practices. The couple hours of night left, everyone would sleep like the dead because of exhaustion except for V.

It was his third night awake. Since the death of his father, the sleeping pills had stopped doing their magic and Taehyung came back to the nights of insomnia and frequent nightmares if he did manage to sleep.

He had the fear that one of these days he'll end up fainting and getting sick due to the number of pills he had taken and the lack of sleep he had been suffering from. Add the lack of rest and nutrition with it, he surely won't be able to stay alive for long.

Despite knowing all of it, there wasn't anything he could do. He tried to eat as much as he could without wanting to throw up. He tried to sleep every night with and without consuming pills but he usually couldn't. And days off so he could rest weren't up to him. Even if he did manage to sleep, he'll wake up in cold sweat due to nightmares.

The only thing he could do was keep on working hard for Bangtan. So, even if they had worked fifteen hours a day, he'd still end up going to the dance studio to practice in the middle of the night. Then he'll run back home before anyone could wake up.

The members were starting to worry about Taehyung even more than they already had been. He looked like a walking, breathing zombie if you try to put it nicely. He won't eat, rest or sleep. He would be last person to go to bed and would already be ready to leave when members would come down for breakfast right after waking up.

Nobody knew what to do about him especially since they were already under a lot of pressure and the last thing they wanted was to find out more problems. So they made excuses to make themselves feel better whenever they would notice the second youngest leaving in the middle of night. Or when he would skip meals or even when he would stumble hundreds of times during practice, about to fall.

They blamed it on the pressure of having so much less time to prepare for the album. It wasn't just Taehyung, everyone was suffering. Just V's suffering was a bit more huge compared to the others but the members simply ignored it, not taking much notice of it. What else could they do? No matter how many times they ask, he kept on saying he's perfectly fine and there's nothing wrong.

Two weeks were left and Taehyung's condition got worse to the extent that he lost fifteen kilograms in just those two months. Not only because he ate less but also because he threw up what he ate.

He was in the dance studio again at three am and this time when he stumbled and fell, he wasn't able to get up. Instead of trying, he just laid his head on the floor and closed his eyes, wondering when this will end. Right now, he had things to do but later, when he would have days off and the members would go home, what would he do then?

He might have actually fallen asleep because the next time he opened his eyes, he saw all of the members' faces, staring down at him.

Jimin offered his hand and Tae took it to stand up. Before his stiff legs could give up and he falls again, Jungkook caught his arm to help him stand, letting him put half of his weight on him.

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