Chapter four

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" WHAT?! If you don't have enough shame to apologise without someone asking you to then there's nothing to say here. " Namjoon tried his best to keep his cool but he couldn't do it anymore.

Everyone was startled by his burst of anger because Namjoon was the most worried one among them and for him to shout at Taehyung like that was surprising.

Taehyung couldn't form any words. He doesn't like at all being shouted at, especially by the people he loves.

Say something you idiot!

He kept on repeating the words in his mind, oblivious to the time that passed while he tried to talk.
" Taehyung! " He was brought back to reality by none other than Yoongi, who was glaring at the younger.
" For fu**'s sake, could you act normal for once? Do you have any idea how worried sick we've been? And now that you're here, you can't even fu**ing say a simple sorry?! "

" I'm sorry " Taehyung said immediately, realising he was making them angrier with his stupid silence each passing minute.But the others weren't having it.

" About fu**ing time. " Namjoon said and was going to leave the room but changed his mind and turned around.

" And next to time you want to just fu**ing disappear, don't bother coming back. It's not like you would care, no matter what happens to us. "

" Namjoon! That's enough. " Jin yelled, noticing how Taehyung was about to cry. Namjoon noticed that too and regretted his words immediately. But damn his ego, he wouldn't admit that.

" Fine! Just whatever. " He looked away from Taehyung.
However, Hoseok didn't think that was enough.

" Let him talk, Hyung. Taehyung had no right to act like that. Yes, he's young and has always been this careless but this is the limit. We can't always be patient and deal with his shit all the time. It's time that he grows up and learns to deal with his problems instead of slamming them on other people just because he can't handle them. How many times would everyone else except him suffer for the things he does? " Hoseok said that calmly but the anger was evident in his tone.

He's right.
I always end up making everyone anxious.
Making them take care of my problems.
Making them risk their lives for me.
Making them watch their loved ones suffer because I was a weak, pathetic loser.
Kim Taehyung, you never do anything right.

Jin gave Hoseok a look that pretty much said shut up before I hit you and put his hand on Taehyung's shoulder, who was looking at the floor. He took Taehyung's tightly fisted hand and forced the younger to loosen it.

" Listen Tae, don't do it again. We were worried sick about you, do you have any idea? We were supposed to start preparing for the comeback almost a month ago but you weren't here and everyone was not in any mood to do anything because their thoughts were on you all the time. Kookie got sick because he couldn't rest properly, Jimin and I had to stay up for nights to take care of him. These three couldn't focus on the music at all and didn't write a single lyric. That's not how it works, you know that, right?" Jin said all that in a soft and gentle tone, trying to relax the terrified boy but also making his point. Taehyung looked at Jin, who was giving him a reassuring smile.

" Yes Hyung, I'm sorry. " He apologised again, not sure what else to say.

He had no intention to make them suffer because of him. His previous guilt increased million times from before and he hung his head low.

" Is your father okay now? " Jimin asked out of nowhere, making everyone look at taehyung. Taehyung's heart dropped at the mention of his father.

What do I tell them?

" He- " Again his brain wasn't able to coordinate with his mouth and he stood there with his lips parted.

I should stop being such a nuisance.
Hobi Hyung is right. It's about time I deal with my problems on my own and grow up to be a man instead of a whiny kid who's always complaining.

Taehyung didn't like lying but this was for the them. This was him finally letting go of his selfish self and think about the others for once.

" He's better now. "

" That's great! Now go rest, okay. And all of you as well, go to your rooms and tomorrow we will officially start preparing for the comeback. " Jin clapped, excited making Jungkook, Jimin and Hobi laugh.

They all left for their rooms. Namjoon gave Taehyung a guilty look to which Taehyung nodded and tried to smile, telling the older that it's okay.

Yoongi simply patted his shoulder when he passed him which was equivalent to a hug and an apology letter for Suga.

Hoseok gave Taehyung a hug and apologised for being rude and letting the anger take control over him. Taehyung again nodded and gave a convincing smile which made Hobi sigh in relief before giving him another hug.

The rest of the members gave him a smile while Jin dragged all of them upstairs, threatening to scold them if he caught them up for more than ten minutes.

And just like that, everyone went to their usual being with lighter hearts except for one of them. The one for whom it was the most important to let the weight off his shoulder.

But he didn't want to think about himself anymore. He won't worry them anymore.

He'll give them what they want because after dealing with his childish behaviour for so long, this was the least he could do for them.

I'm sorry for lying.

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