Chapter forteen

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Taehyung had no idea how to get out of the situation without hurting his leader.

"Namjoon Hyung, I just don't like it now that it's finished." He admitted.

"Why? You looked excited last night."

"I didn't want it to end up like that....?"

"End up like what?"

"Just.... I don't even know anymore." He dropped his head on the table, making a noticeable bang.

Namjoon was confused. He had seen Taehyung spend all his energy and time on this song. He had heard scribbles and humming sounds from the younger's room more than just a couple of times regardless of the time whenever he passed by his room.

He had thought that the song would be a masterpiece because it seemed like Tae had put a lot of effort in it. And he didn't believe at all that something would end up bad after that much hard work because regardless of how they joke around about V being an alien, he still was extremely smart and did everything perfectly if he put his effort in it.

"I'm sure it's good, Tae. You've worked very hard on it." Namjoon assured him, hoping that the younger would let him play it.

"Can I play it?" He was really curious.

Taehyung gave a hesitant nod.

Namjoon pressed his lips together and the play button at the same time, anticipating.

The beat started which sounded really good, making Namjoon really proud of how the younger worked with the others to make it sound daebak.

He bobbed his head to the soft but edgy beat, looking at the younger to assure him that it sounded good. Taehyung, though,  didn't look at him and stared at the floor instead.

Taehyung's voice filled the room which was the perfect contrast with the music. It was strikingly obvious that Taehyung's voice was the best for this kind of R&B music among all BTS members.

But the praises took a definite pause in Namjoon's brain when he started paying attention to the lyrics. The song was still awesome but it was so exceptionally sad and heartbreaking that it almost made Namjoon tear up.

The song finished and Namjoon just sat with his mouth open. He had been curious to hear it and praise the younger but now that he had, he didn't know what to say anymore. It was something he wouldn't have ever expected from him.

Suga who was standing at the door, listening, came in at the perfect moment and broke the awkward silence.

"That was beautiful." He patted Taehyung on the back and gave Namjoon a glare which said something like what do you think you're doing?

The leader finally understood what his silence would've felt like for the younger who was already insecure about the song. He mentally slapped himself and immediately agreed with Yoongi.

"I think that's the best one you've ever written." Namjoon gave him a smile which Taehyung half returned, nervously.

Finally, I've done something good.

To say Taehyung felt proud because of what Suga said was an understatement. The older didn't usually compliment anything and if he did, it was never that sincerely and honestly.

They all met at the dining table which filled with the members one by one after a while. They had breakfast and Namjoon excitedly announced that Taehyung was done and it was one of the best songs he had ever heard to which Yoongi also nodded.

Everyone was baffled to see Yoongi's agreement and they all argued with Taehyung on why they didn't get to hear it too. Taehyung laughed a bit at their jealousy and promised that they can hear it later.

His insecurities flew away when Namjoon and Suga didn't ask him about the song's theme or the idea behind it. It made him think that maybe the rest won't bother with the lyrics much as well.

He met up with Bang-PD and Pdogg and they played the song. Pdogg was impressed to put it lightly. He clapped at the end and gave Taehyung a pat on the shoulder. He left after they discussed a couple of edits to prepare everything in the recording studio.

Bang-PD, however, stared at the member for a long time while V kept on shifting from one foot to the other in nervousness. Bang Sihyuk noticed that and went ahead, choosing his words carefully.

"V, do you want to talk to me about this?"

Taehyung shook his head as a no, not sure what else to say, making the CEO sigh.

"Are you really okay?" Taehyung shrugged. The guy was like a father to him and he didn't want to lie to him after all the times he had helped him.

Bang-PD gave him an awkward but sincere half hug which Taehyung accepted. He felt tears brim in his eyes but he forced them to not fall.

They both left the room and recorded the song while the rest of the members stayed in the recording studio to show him their support. They wanted to say something about the song and ask questions but the look Suga gave them made them stop. Jimin was still going to go for it but RM shook his head which made him pout and sit back again.

Taehyung was done the same day they started, making everyone praise him for his hard work.

They all finally left at somewhere around eight. Taehyung who hadn't been sleeping at all these past days even after consuming sleeping pills eventually dropped on his bed and was out like lights in just a few minutes.

Namjoon went up to call Taehyung for dinner but was left standing outside his open door when he saw him sleeping horizontally on the bed, shoes still on his feet.

He shook his head at the second maknae, took his shoes off and dragged the ridiculously underweight boy around. Instead of pulling the duvet from under him and risk him waking up from his well deserved slumber, RM took out another duvet from the cupboard and covered Tae with it.

He switched the lights off and closed the door behind him, going downstairs for dinner and informed everyone that he fell asleep.

Everyone nodded their heads in understanding and ate quickly to go to sleep as well.

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