Chapter twenty four

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Taehyung never thought he would or ever would want to come back to this place.

The basement was same as before except that it wasn't that dark. It should bring relief to the boy but the little light forced him to see things that he never would have been able to see otherwise.

The last time he was there, there was only dirt and smell. Now, the floor and walls were smeared with blood and there were many torturing devices.

There were a lot of people in there as well. He noticed Minseok smirking at him, standing in front of the crowd.

Taehyung felt himself almost throw up when he saw his family on the floor, beaten and tied up. His body shook as he stood in front of them with a gun in his hands, pointing it straight towards his father.


His father smiled.

"Go on, taetae. Do it."


"It's okay. You'll leave as soon as you finish."

"No no no... I don't want to. Please."

"I can't. Never."

"Please, no."

Taehyung wanted to turn the gun at himself and shoot himself instead but there was an invisible force that held his arms straight and gun towards his family.

"Shoot, Taehyungie. Do it one by one. Just close your eyes if it's too hard for you." His father gave him the signature box smile.

Taehyung cried, his vision blurring. He felt his fingers press the trigger without him planning to do it.

Jimin felt something wet on his neck as he saw Taehyung shaking in his arms. He immediately put all his attention on the boy who was sleeping with his forehead on Jimin's neck, almost half of his body on him.

"Tae?" He said it gently, barely as a whisper. Everyone else was pretty much asleep while they were on their third movie.

Taehyung whimpered and a loud sob left his lips along with mumbles that Jimin couldn't understand at all.

Yoongi woke up, hearing the cry and Jungkook who was still awake turned as well.

Jungkook's eyes widened. He had witnessed the similar sight only days ago but this seemed a lot worse than that.

Soon, Taehyung's sounds got louder who couldn't seem to acknowledge that the three of them were trying to wake him up. Everyone was up in a minute and stared, confused at first but then understood what was going on.

"Wake up, Tae!" Jimin shouted while Jungkook shook him vigorously.

Taehyung jolted up, his hands in fists as he stared at his best friend in front of him.

"J-Jiminie?" His voice cracked and another sob left him. Jimin hugged him close, as he rubbed his back.

"Shh.. calm down." He whispered but his words left no impact on the younger, who continued to cry hysterically.

It felt like hours had passed when finally his cries turned into soft hiccups and he stopped mumbling whatever he was trying to say.

Jimin looked at him when the shaking also stopped only to find him sleeping.

He cried himself to sleep.

Jimin felt his eyes tear up as well.

Namjoon left the couch and sat down on the mattress. He took Taehyung's hands and gently forced them to loosen their tight grip.

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