Chapter twenty two

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The next night, Jungkook was standing outside Taehyung's door once again. This time, Taehyung didn't say anything and just let the boy enter.

He knew Jungkook was up to something but couldn't gather the courage to ask. They both pretended that the incident of the previous night never happened, which increased V's suspicion even more.

That night, Jungkook sang again while V slept but this time, he didn't wake up from nightmares. He slept for a couple of hours and then woke up at early dawn. His body most probably got used to only a couple hours of sleep everyday.

He didn't succeed in sneaking out though. As soon as he got out of bed, Jungkook woke up as well while rubbing his eyes and yawning.

He briefly looked at Taehyung who was standing next to the bed, staring at him. Then, he jumped off the bed as well and left the room, ignoring the older's confused look.

Is he sleep walking or something with his eyes open?

A minute later, Jungkook came back in the room, wearing shoes and jacket and picked his phone up from the side table.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go." Jungkook said, making V even more confused than he already was.


"Dance studio. Why? Are you going somewhere else today?" He raised his eyebrows a little sarcastically.


"Let's go already, hyung!" He walked out and V followed.

They quietly made their way outside, only to find Jimin and Hoseok there as well, waiting by the car.

"Oh, you're here." Jimin said, making his way in the car.

V could do nothing but stare at the three of them.

What is going on?

"Don't look so weirded out, Tae. We knew what you've been doing the past days. We were just giving you time to be alone." Hoseok patted his back and went in the car as well.

V's heart warmed.

They really do care for me, huh?

He gave a half smile and sat in the passenger seat.

"Let's go somewhere else, today." He said to Jungkook who was in the driving seat.

Hoseok clapped his hand excitedly.

"An adventure! Why the hell not?"

Jimin laughed and Jungkook asked for directions.

V made a stop at a convenience store and left to buy something. A couple minutes later, he returned with a bag.

Jimin peaked inside from behind while Tae put his seatbelt on again.

What is he planning to do with bread?

And is that a carton of milk?

They arrived an hour later and all of them stared at the small house except for Tae who was already making his way out of the car with the shopping bag in his hands.

They followed him, wondering where they are. V knocked and they heard an old lady's voice.

"It's open. Come on in."

"Grandmother!" V yelled enthusiastically, making his way inside, leaving everyone else confused.

But Tae's grandmother is dead.

They saw an old lady sitting on the dining table, with a purse in her trembling hands.

She stood up when she heard him and V lightly jumped in her arms, hugging her tight.

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