Chapter sixteen

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Jimin knew he won't get a proper answer even if he tried. And V did promise to tell them everything later. He wanted to ignore the pills and leave the room but the curiosity got the best of him.

"Hey Tae. Go freshen up and let's go down for dinner."

"I'm not hungry."

"Come on! You don't have to eat. Just come down and sit with us for a while. We don't spend time with each other at all anymore." Jimin pouted.

Taehyung simply nodded. At least he won't have to eat.

"Go ahead. I'll be down in a minute."

Jimin didn't leave and just fell on the bed again.

"I'll wait. Let's leave together. Your bed is comfy." He exhaled a breath and gave him a smile, closing his eyes.

Taehyung nodded and left to take a shower.

As soon as Jimin heard the water, he got up and grabbed the bottle of pills.


Jimin had no idea what that was. So he just saved the name in his brain to look it up later. Then he laid back down in the same place and closed his eyes again, wondering how he's going to fix everything that's going on.

They both left after Taehyung came out and then left for downstairs. Everyone ate and V also tried his best to swallow some of it and succeeded to some extent.

He still didn't talk much but maybe the members had gotten used to it by now, so they didn't say anything about it and just tried to include him in the conversation here and there. After they were done, Jin asked if he would help him clean up to which Taehyung agreed.

It was such a weird sight to see Taehyung agreeing on everything someone asked him to do. He used to whine about a lot of stuff back in the days even if he would end up doing it later, but now, it's like he'll do whatever without complaining as long as it kept him busy and the others happy.

Jin again tried to make small talks to which V gave short replies and then both of them left after they were done.

Taehyung wasn't the only one who stayed up that night. It was also Jimin who used his duvet to cover his phone's light so that Jhope won't be disturbed.

It was a relief that he remembered the name. He had been repeating it in his mind during dinner again and again so that he won't forget. Then he went to google and searched benzodiazepines.

'Short- and intermediate-acting benzodiazepines are preferred for the treatment of insomnia; longer-acting benzodiazepines are recommended for the treatment of anxiety.'

Insomnia and anxiety.

Wait what?

Why can't he sleep? And anxiety?

Was it short, intermediate or longer acting? I didn't even manage to see that.

Maybe it's just anxiety because he's stressed about the comeback?

But it has never been like that. We've released so many albums and this never happened before.

And he's been acting weird since he came back. Hell, even before he came back. He never talked to us while he was there which was weird. Taehyung always called or texted or just send pictures of himself or places he went to with his family.

Did something happen back at home?

Wasn't his father sick? Is he that unwell?

But he said he's better now.

Jimin turned his phone off for a minute when he heard Hoseok calling his name.

"What are you doing up?"

"It's nothing, hyung. I'm not sleepy."

"Why? Are you okay?"

"Yes." He wasn't sure if he should tell anyone. He'll have to do something to help his best friend somehow without anyone getting suspicious.

But how?

He forgot that Hoseok was there and they were supposed to be having a conversation right now. His mind was completely filled with Tae and he had no idea what else to do.

That's why he's been staying up so late and waking up so early. Because he was having trouble sleeping.

But if he had the pills, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

But those late night visits, why would he leave in the middle of the night if he can just take pills to sleep?

And today they found him in the dance studio, sleeping on the floor.

"Jimin! I'm talking to you!"

Jimin just hummed, still lost in his thoughts, trying to figure the situation out.

Jhope knew something was bothering the younger so he left his bed and went to the other and shook him a bit.

"Yah! Are you sleeping with your eyes open or just ignoring me?"

Jimin was startled and apologised after hearing what the dance leader said.

"Sorry. I'm okay. I'm tired but can't sleep. That's all." Hoseok raised his eyebrows.

"How can someone be tired and still not be able to sleep?"

"Isn't it possible? Hyung, do you know anything about insomnia?" He suddenly asked out of nowhere, hoping for a helpful answer.

"You don't have insomnia just because you can't sleep tonight. You sleep like the dead, do you know how hard it is to wake you up every morning?" Hoseok laughed it off and Jimin knew it was no use unless he actually told him which he wasn't going to do.


Hoseok saw how bothered Jimin was and decided to help him a bit.

"Look. Insomnia is a long term issue where you can't sleep for days because you're stressed or maybe you're having nightmares or something like that. That's not the case with you right?" Jimin nodded.



Long term.

He saved the information in his brain.

Why would he have nightmares?

It must be stress.


He gave a sigh and thanked Hoseok.

"Yeah, I don't think I have insomnia."

"Told you!" Hoseok gave him a grin and jumped in Jimin's bed instead of his own, making Jimin give him a questioning look.

"Let's cuddle then! It will help you sleep."

Cuddles. Of course!

Jimin knew what was the first thing he'll try with Taehyung.

If he can't sleep despite the pills, I'll help him to sleep.

He fell asleep thinking of ways to get into his room at nights and sleeping there.

Hoseok smiled at Jimin who was sleeping peacefully now, relieved that he helped him somehow.

Just not the way he was thinking

Insomnia, huh?

How did he come up with that?

They're still kids after all.

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