Chapter twenty three

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Ignoring everyone, Taehyung got up and called Sejin.

"I need to go back home. Immediately."

Sejin was confused.

"Why? What's wrong?" Taehyung walked out, while the members just stood their shocked.

"It's my mom. I have to go back right now. Please do something, hyung!" He desperately said, walking swiftly down the stairs.

"I'll get you a plane ticket. Can you make someone drive you to the airport?"

"I'll meet you there in half an hour."

When the members finally got back to reality, they ran outside as well, following him.

But Tae was already in the car, driving off. No one knew what to do.

"What the fu** Just happened?" Suga whispered.


Taehyung stared at his mother, Sejin and his siblings outside the room, giving him some alone time with her.

He wanted to move forward and grab her hand but he was scared.

I should've told her. I made everything worse. Now look where she is.

Exactly where Dad was a month ago.

Why do I have to ruin everything?!

Sejin walked in and patted his shoulder. He knew perfectly well what the younger was thinking. But there was nothing he could do.

"It will be okay, hyung." Jeong Gyu walked in as well along with Eon Jin.

The three siblings hugged and Sejin walked out again.

"I'll go get some coffee."

"Hyung." Tae turned towards his younger brother who put his arm around his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." V whispered, looking down.

They looked at him confused.

"This is all my fault and I won't blame any of you if you hate me or don't want to even look at me."

"What are you talking about?" Jeong Gyu stared while Eon Jin just sat down on they chair and cried.

"God, you're so stupid!" He glared at his older brother.

Taehyung's eyes widened.

"Yah! I'm older than you!"

"Then fu**ing act like it!"

Taehyung grabbed his collar, giving him a hostile glare.

"How dare you talk to me like that?"

"Oppa! Stop!" Eonjin stood up and seperated the two.

"How can you take all the blame on yourself?! It wasn't your fault! How many times do we have to tell you that?!"

Taehyung wasn't going to back down.

"You know fu**ing nothing!"

"Then tell me!"

Taehyung's anger disappeared and he turned away to walk out.

"I do know everything." Taehyung stopped.

"I know. She told me everything two nights ago when she drunk called. She hates herself for how she treated you and wanted to apologise but couldn't make herself face you."

"I know it wasn't your fault and she knew it too. She knows. She just wanted you to focus on your life and didn't say anything, hoping that you'll continue with your life happily without her interfering."

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