Chapter two

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" Mom " Taehyung's voice came barely as a whisper.

' This is bad ' Taehyung thought. Stupid him for taking too much time.

" You! What are you doing here? How dare you come here? " His mother almost yelled, trying to compose herself since they were in a hospital.

" I-I came to see da- " taehyung was cut off by his mother, who was glaring at her oldest son.

" Don't you dare call him your dad! After everything you have done, do you think it's okay for you to show your pathetic self here?!"

" Mom, I- " once again he was cut off when his mother's hand came forward and slapped Taehyung right on the face. People around them were full on staring at them now and Taehyung wanted nothing else but the ground to swallow him whole right then and there.

" No. I'm not your mother. I don't know you and you are not part of my family. How many times do I have to tell you this? " She whisper-yelled, bothered by the attention they were receiving.

" You can't do that. You're my family, mom. I can't live without all of you. You know how much I love you! How can you even-". For the hundredth time today Taehyung was crying again and couldn't continue with his rant.

You would think that Jiyoon would feel something, watching his once dearly loved son breaking down in front of her but she couldn't give him a second thought, and simply glared at her son, repeating the words she has told him countless times whenever he called. He had started to believe them now.

" You died for me the day your father's life became a danger because of you. "


"The moment you decided to leave your weak father alone there because you cared for yourself more than him"


" Tell me, Kim Taehyung." She said his name with such venom that taehyung's heart almost stopped right there.

" Do you think you deserve to live and have this happy family despite being so selfish and the cause behind our destruction?" she spat and at that moment taehyung could feel his heart breaking.

' She isn't wrong though. It was my fault after all. I clearly don't deserve their forgiveness and love'

And with everything he had, he whispered the words to his mother.

" You're right. I don't deserve your love anyway. I'll try not to disturb your family anymore, Mrs Kim."

" Good " His mother replied, after getting over the initial shock of seeing her son so void of his usual all-over-the-place emotions.

If only she had looked a bit closer towards his eyes to notice how broken he actually felt.

If only she had looked back when her son walked past her towards the parking lot, she would've seen him fall right next to his car and break down.


Taehyung was pretty much done when he was approached by a police officer.

" Hello Taehyung-ssi. " He said offering his hand.

Taehyung grabbed his hand and the guy helped him up.

" I don't know if you're aware but your manager had asked for personal security and I've been keeping an eye on you ever since you've been here."

Taehyung nodded his head. Sejin Hyung had told him that he will keep his distance and won't approach unless there's something up.

" Is everything okay? " A sudden fear crept in his body.

" Yes, it's just you weren't picking your phone up so your manager called to ask me if you were alright. You should call him back." Taehyung checked his pocket and then realised that he left his phone in the car. He nodded, indicating that he will.

" And also, I was asked to safely escort you to the airport and bring your rental car back to the company."

" Will they let you come in the airport?" Taehyung was curious.

" I have written permission. You spent extra time here so we'll have to leave immediately. Do you have your stuff?"

The kind police officer didn't mention Taehyung's break down neither he judged him and they both left after Taehyung gestured to his stuff in the car.

The officer tried to make small talk but Taehyung didn't reply much without being rude. The officer caught on and left him alone with his thoughts, who was literally dreading going back.

He had no idea how he will tell the members and how they'll react. The only thing they know for now is that his father is sick.

After saying his goodbyes and gratitude, he took his seat in the airplane.
As soon as the plane took off, he laid his head back, putting his headphones in and closed his eyes, waiting for the sleep that never came.


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