Chapter ten

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Sejin found V sleeping with his head on "Grandmother's" lap while she ran her fingers through his hair. They were both sitting on the bench and she was smiling softly at the sleeping boy.

Sejin went over quickly due to the cold weather and introduced himself.

"Oh, You're here. Hurry up and take him home then. It's cold and he isn't even wearing a jacket." She fussed while frowning a bit.

"Yes of course, Ma'am. Please, I'll drop you to your home as well. Thank you so much for doing this." That was the only thing he could think of to repay her for now.

"No, child. I live nearby and I came out to buy milk because I can't sleep without having a cup. I have to get that as well."

"No please Auntie. That's the least I can do after everything. Please, I'll take you to the convenience store first then. Please, I insist." He pressed.

"Okay. Thank you."

Sejin carries Taehyung on his back while the lady followed him. He quickly turned the heater on and drove to the store with V sleeping in the back while the lady sat on the front seat.

He bought her milk and then dropped her home, promising that he will make sure Taehyung visits her soon.

They arrived at the house. It was almost morning now. He wondered how Taehyung travelled that far away without a car.

He tried to wake him up but Taehyung must have been really tired because he didn't even stir.

Sighing, he picked him up and knocked on the door, feeling sorry for the person who would have to wake up to open the door at early dawn.

It was Hoseok, who rubbed his eyes, clearly just woken up.

"Hyung! Is he okay? What's wrong? Where was he?" He bombarded him with questions one after an other.

Sejin already ridiculously tired didn't answer them, partly not sure what to say as well.

"Hoseok~ah. I'm really exhausted. He's okay. Just drank a bit more than he could take. Don't worry." Hoseok didn't say anything after that because Sejin really did look exhausted.

He helped Sejin and both dropped V on his bed gently.

"He was out in the cold for a while now, so if he gets sick, make sure to tell me tomorrow. And I'm not sure how much he drank or if he ate before that or not... Could you take care of him for tonight, Hoseok? Please?" Hoseok nodded his head and mumbled an of course.

Sejin thanked him and reminded him to lock the door. Hoseok followed him out, closed the door and then walked back to his dongsaeng's room.

He shook him awake, making him drink the glass of water forcefully.

He looks even more tired than Sejin hyung.

He covered him with a blanket and was about to leave the room when he saw Taehyung wake up and sit crossed leg on the bed.


Taehyung flinched and turned to look at him.

"Hey, it's just me." Hoseok mumbled, walking closer to the bed.

"Hyung?" Taehyung whimpered, close to crying.

"Yes? Are you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine."


"Then why aren't you sleeping?" Hoseok sat on his bed, giving him a look.

"I-I.... Hyung y-you....." he didn't continue and just looked down at his hands.

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