Chapter twelve

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The next day after Taehyung's father's death, they went for practice where Sejin told Taehyung that Bang PD wants to see him. Bang PD was a man of few words and after his sincere apology, he went straight to the point.

"You can take a few days off to go home and participate in the funeral, Taehyung."

"There's no need for that, Bang-PDnim. The funeral already took place yesterday. There's no need to worry about that." He replied, emotionless. Hell, the CEO looked more sad for his father's death than Taehyung himself.

"What do you mean? Your mother should've waited for you. Did you tell her not to wait for you?" He asked, confused.

"No, sir. She doesn't want there. She made it pretty clear." Taehyung wasn't going to reveal this much information but he blamed it on his ability to not keep things to himself that bother him.

Suddenly Yoongi's words rang in his head.

How long will we keep on dealing with his problems?

Taehyung shook his head to get the thought out.

"Does she..... by chance, blame you?" He asked, anger evident in his tone. Taehyung gulped. He didn't like it when the usual calm and collective CEO got mad.

Noticing the younger's discomfort, he calmed down a bit, trying to control his anger.

"Do you know who the kidnapper was, Taehyung?" He asked softly.

"Yes, sir."

Minseok. Not just Bang PD's enemy but also his parents.

"You know why Minseok specifically targeted you instead of someone else from Bangtan?"

"Yes, sir."

Because he wanted to take revenge from my mom for leaving him and marrying my dad instead.

"Then you know it's not your fault, right?"

"Yes, sir."


"I'll talk with your mother. She needs to know this important piece of information before she hurts you even more than she already has." He quickly took his phone out, searching for the number.

Taehyung swiftly took the phone from his hand, startling him.

"No! Don't tell her. I don't want her to feel even worse than she already is. Please, hyung!" He begged. Bang PD was going to refuse and take his phone back but stopped when he noticed the tears in the younger's eyes. He looked so desperate that he just couldn't do it.

"Fine. Okay, don't cry! Fine, I won't." Taehyung have him his phone back with a small sorry.

Bang PD rubbed his face with frustration.

What am I going to do with this kid?
He's too kind and angelic for his own good.

He didn't know what else to say so he dismissed the younger, telling him he's always here if he needs anything with a soft smile.

Taehyung nodded and left the room, walking back to their dance studio.


"Yes, Hoseok hyung?" He turned around to look at Jhope who was behind him.

"What were you doing in Bang PD-nim's office?"

"H-huh? Yeah, we were discussing about the song. I still haven't finished it yet. We should do it in the next two to three days so that recording and practice could start." Taehyung looked down, guilt eating him alive.

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