Chapter nine

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The six members of Bangtan were waiting for their last member who left shortly before with his ringing phone. They were confused on why he would do that but they didn't say anything and patiently waited for him to finish.

They weren't sure what to do when more than fifteen minutes passed. They were once again getting late because of Taehyung on the same day.

Their manager came in fuming five minutes later, yelling at them to move already.

"Taehyung isn't here yet." Namjoon informed him, clearly showing frustration since it wasn't their fault.

"What exactly do you mean? He's not outside." The manger furrowed his eyebrows.

After that, everything was in commotion as search for Taehyung started. They looked everywhere but there was no sign of the boy.

The Hyung line except for Jin were fuming with anger at the younger's sudden disappearance while Jin and the maknae line were worried. Jimin kept on biting his nails and Jungkook fiddled with his fingers.

They searched everywhere and then sat down in one of the rooms in the building not sure what to do anymore. Their manager kept on calling him but he won't pick his phone up.

They heard Taehyung's phone ring outside the room and all of them got up to run towards the door.

The door opened and Sejin came in with V's phone in his hand, worry and anger evident on his face.

"Hyung! Why do you have Taehyung's phone?" Jimin spoke up.

"I found it in the store room. How long has he been missing for?" Sejin gritted his teeth,

"For an hour and a half, pretty much." Namjoon shrugged.

"And when did you start looking for him?" Sejin raised his eyebrows.

"About 20 minutes ago?" Namjoon looked down, them finally understanding why the manager looked pissed.

Sejin gave them a disappointed look.

"But Hyung, he left to pick up a call. We didn't think he would leave to somewhere else. We thought it was important so decided not to disturb him." Jungkook spoke up when He realised how everyone looked more guilty than they should.

Sejin's mind stopped working for a minute.


"Yes Hyung. His phone rang and he left the room. That's why we didn't pay attention." Jin backed the maknae up to clear the misunderstanding.

"Do any of you know his phone's password?"

"It's our debut date." Jimin informed him.

Sejin immediately opened his phone and went straight to the call log.

Doctor Park

He pressed the call button.

"Taehyung-ssi?" He heard the doctor with whom he had talked a couple of times before.

"No, sir. I'm Sejin, Taehyung's manager. We've talked before a couple of times." He made sure not to say doctor. The members were already worried so he had to watch which words he used. Also, Taehyung still hadn't agreed to tell them anything.

"Yes Sejin-ssi, I remember. I called back a couple of times after Taehyung-ssi suddenly hung up but he wouldn't pick up."

"Yes, we can't find him right now. Did something happen?"

"Oh. I'm sorry to inform you but his father passed away after another heart attack. We informed him about the surgery last night and it didn't go well. He was in a very bad condition and two heart attacks while in a coma are very serious."

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