Chaper eight

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All the members were worried about Taehyung. It has been three hours since they arrived at the dance studio and Taehyung hadn't stopped dancing for more than a minute. And even that was only so he could either change the song or restart it because he messed up the steps.

"Taehyung, stop. That's enough for now." They're choreographer tried to reason with him and yet failed once again when the boy showed no signs of listening to him.

Hoseok paid close attention to his dongsaeng. He didn't look sick or hurt in any way but his body was giving off a weird aura. It was something he couldn't explain in words.

Physically, Taehyung seemed fine so no one could put their finger on what was wrong. So, they kept on looking at him and try to tell him to stop here and there which he didn't acknowledge at all.

Taehyung kept on dancing with everything he had. Despite not being able to sleep, he felt wide awake with his mind in a complete chaos.

'He had another heart attack.

Be prepared for whatever happens.

The cardiologist is trying his best.

We're not sure.

Be prepared for whatever happens.

He had another heart attack.

Heart attack


We're not sure

Be prepared.'

The words kept on repeating in his head again and again like a broken record, just like he kept on dancing and dancing the same four songs, just at a slower pace then his mind.

He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings at all. He might've heard someone talk to him, or maybe it never happened and it was just his imagination. He heard someone again, saying words that his mind never registered.

Suddenly the music stopped, making Taehyung halt in mid-step.

He looked up confused. It was like someone didn't turn off the music but switched on the button which connected him to the rest of the world.

He stared back at Jhope who stood near the speakers, staring at him. Taehyung obviously hadn't realised how fatigued he was because when he couldn't continue anymore, he noticed how much his body actually hurt.

The pain in his feet was a bit too much for him so he immediately sat down or more like fell in the middle of the dance floor.

The members rushed forward when they saw him stumble down to sit.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon asked while Jimin rubbed Taehyung's back.


"Does it hurt somewhere, Taehyung~ah?" Jin asked with worry.

"N-No. I'm F-fine." Suga just shook his head, disappointed to see the younger lie.

"Oh stop with your bullshit already!" He said while rubbing his own face in frustration.

What is wrong with this kid?
He can just say if something is bothering him.
When have we ever not listened?
Even when he whined about stupid stuff like being hungry or loosing this drawing he made or accidentally deleting that cool picture he took.

"I'm not lying, Hyung. I'm perfectly fine and healthy." The words should've assured everyone only if he hadn't said them in such a venomous tone. Like it was a bad thing instead of something to be glad about.

I'm healthy and fine.

Because I'm too selfish and take care of myself instead of people around me.

They don't even know anything and still they are that worried. If they found out everything, imagine how they would feel then.

For god's sake, Kim Taehyung. You can't do anything right.

You can't even act alright even if there's nothing wrong with you in the first place.

Absolutely pathetic.

"Taehyung! I'm talking to you." Namjoon shook him again out of his thoughts.

"Seriously, what is wrong with you?" Hoseok sat in front of him with crossed legs.

"I was thinking about my solo song. I can't come up with anything and it's really frustrating." He looked down at his hands on his lap, hoping they would buy it.

Namjoon sighed.

"That's okay. We still have two months. The beat is almost ready, you can figure it out. We'll help you, okay?"

Taehyung nodded. Suga was about to mention what that had to do anything with the non-stop dancing, but didn't get the chance.

Sejin came in the studio and saw everyone hurdled around Taehyung. He immediately imagined the worse.

"Taehyung! Everything alright? Are you hurt?" He fired the questions along with a few others related to his well-being.

"Yes, Sejin Hyung." And right there, he knew something was very wrong. The short-lived happiness he had seen around Taehyung was so obviously missing, no one was stupid enough to not notice it.

That wasn't the right time to mention it so he just ignored it for now and tried to accept the nod Taehyung gave him.

"Well, boys. You have a vocal practice now, so we'll leave in half an hour. Everybody to the showers now."

It was quite as everyone slowly gathered back in the practice room one by one, tired as hell, to collect their shoes and bags.

Suddenly Taehyung's cell phone rang, making Taehyung flinch.

Jimin and Hoseok giggled. Everyone thought it was because of how silent the room was and that sudden sound had scared Taehyung.

When in reality, it was the ring tone he had specifically assigned for Doctor Park so that he'll never miss a phone call by him that freaked him out.

He shakily grabbed his phone from his bag. Not knowing what he will have to deal with, he left the room to pick up the call and made his way in the store room where extra speakers, headphones and many other music related accessories were stored.

His hands shook as he pressed Accept and pressed the phone to his ear.

His breath left his body when he heard Doctor Park's words. His phone left his hand again but this time he didn't fall on the floor to break down.

Instead, he ran out of the building to wherever the roads would take him.

Because at that moment, he could deal with anything except for his life and he could face whatever except for himself.

"Taehyung-ssi. He's gone. I'm sorry."

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