Chapter twenty five

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How do you think the members will find out?

Namjoon rubbed his eyes as he woke up. He yawned and stretched a bit, his back stiff from sleeping on the floor.

He got up and shuffled around, trying to get away from the mounts of pillows and blankets and people, kicking Hoseok accidentally in the process.

He was quietly going to leave for the bathroom after throwing an apologetic look towards him when he heard Hoseok gasp loudly.

He turned around and saw him staring at the bed, pointing in a really extra way with his mouth open.

Namjoon turned towards the bed and his eyes widened as well.

Yoongi and Jungkook were sleeping while cuddling and Tae was nowhere to be found.

They both ran outside the room to look everywhere but didn't catch a glimpse of him.

"Call Sejin Hyung!" Hoseok yelled and went back to wake the rest of the members. Jin woke up as well in the process.

Hoseok told him about V missing and he immediately went to the oldest hyung mode, getting near the bed.

He shook Jungkook and Suga awake.


They both whined in response at the same time, before going back to sleep.

Jin yelled in frustration.

"Taehyung's gone, you idiotic buffoons! Wake the fu** up!"

All of them jumped up, staring at Jin with wide eyes and then ran downstairs to look for Tae.

"Maybe he went to the dance studio. He always goes there."

"He's not there. H-" Namjoon said, entering the living room with his phone in his hand.

"Then he'd be with grandma!" Jungkook cut him off, remembering the sweet old woman.

"Wait what? Whose grandma?" Namjoon blinked.

"It's this old lady whose house we went to. Apparently, Tae knows her and calls her grandmother." Hoseok replied.

Namjoon just shook his head, not surprised at all. Tae could literally make friends with those statue-like Queen guards they have in London.

"Jungkook, don't cut people off. He's not with this so-called grandmother. He had a Hwarang interview, something about breakfast show or whatever. He'll be back later after a photoshoot."

"He went to work?" Jin asked.

Everyone was shocked. He was in such a fragile condition yesterday. How did he simply wake up that early and left like nothing happened?

Of course the members didn't know that he had been doing this for months now.

They all left for their respective rooms to get ready, a bit dejected.

They also had a photoshoot today which were always tiring.

Everyone felt bad for Tae who had to deal with two of them on the same day. As they had breakfast, they again thought about V, who probably skipped breakfast.

Hobeom came to take all of them. He raised his eyebrows at the depressed atmosphere but didn't say anything.

"Hobeom hyung? Did Tae have breakfast before he left?" Namjoon asked out of nowhere.

Hobeom shrugged.

"Why wouldn't he? He must have. The place is an hour away and it's a long interview, not to mention the shoot afterwards."

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