Chapter twenty six

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Yoongi was frustrated to say the least.

That's it. I'm done.

He wished he hadn't seen the look in Taehyung's eyes when Hoseok said he was a good person.

He didn't believe him at all.

All the pressure he had been feeling since Taehyung came back finally made him snap. He looked at the sleeping boy whose head was on Hoseok's lap.

He shook the dazed Hoseok out of his misery who was having similar thoughts as him, just a little less violent.

"Let's go." Jhope gave him a confused look.


"Just come on." Feeling the older's anger, Hoseok gently lifted Taehyung and put his jacket under his head.

The stylist noons is going to flip when she sees the jacket all crinkled.

He shrugged.

Well, as long as he is comfortable, I guess it doesn't matter.

Before leaving, he gently and lightly kissed Tae's head.

Jimin and Jungkook followed as well when they saw Suga sign them to come with him

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Jimin and Jungkook followed as well when they saw Suga sign them to come with him.

They all went to where Jin and Namjoon were, again discussing stuff with Sejin but this time, the topic was their schedule.

"I want to know what's going on with Tae." Suga demanded, making all of them stare at him.

"Ask him yourself then." Sejin said, making Suga even more angry.

"For god's sake, hyung! You know he won't tell us anything, no matter how many times we ask." He almost yelled.

"Then it's not my problem that he doesn't want you to know." Sejin turned to walk away but Yoongi grabbed his arm.

"No. It's everyone's problem. JUST FU**ING TELL ME SO I CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" He burst, and Sejin stepped back.

"Calm down, hyung." Namjoon whispered, looking at Tae to make sure he was still sleeping.

"Hyung, please. We want to help him. These months have been crazy enough so let us fix it before the comeback gets ruined as well." Namjoon reasoned, coming up with reasonable stuff so that the manager would somehow tell them.

He wasn't sure how to approach the topic but now that Yoongi had done them all a favour and started it, he won't stop until he gets answers.

"Is that all that matters to you? The comeback, you job?" Sejin growled, Namjoon's words making him boil in anger.

"Wha-?" He was cut off by Sejin.

"Why do you think he doesn't want to tell you, huh?! All you've been doing is ignoring all the shit going on around you and now that YOU WANT to know, everyone should just tell you. What about when he wanted to tell you and you didn't listen?! It's all your choices in the end, no one else's feelings matter, right?!" Sejin glared at them, making everyone flinch.

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