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incase any confusion is brought up, by "QUIET" i mean not very audible during sex. lmao sorry, you can skip if ya want.

-he okay with it most times.
-your mostly just a breathing mess with quiet moans that slip out every once in a while. there few things that actually get you loud and every time he figures one out, he doesn't hold back.

-doesn't like it.
-he loves to hear you. it seriously annoys him. he often slows down, teasing you to the point where your screaming for him. that's when it gets real.

-he kinda likes it.
-he likes the way your moans are soft and quiet and how your breathing visibly picks up. he likes leaning down to your face and feeling your harsh breaths hit his. or how when he kisses your neck he can feel the soft vibration of you moaning and the rapid beating of your pulse.

-despises it.
-wants everyone to hear you. if he's goin rough, he has you quivering. if he's goin' soft, the teasing is torture. he knows exactly what to do to get you going and you hate it.

-likes it.
-he thinks of it as a challenge. if he gets you loud he wins. you guys eventually turn it into a game.
-when your gettin it on his face is in your neck, whispering, teasing, kissing. he does it all and it usually gets you to let out a loud enough moan to get him a point. if you bite your lip to try and contain it he'll try to be all smexy and pull out your lip with his teeth and tug.
-you lose almost every week

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