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becoming traditional

-"why can't you be honest with me?" corbyn frowned, his eyebrows deeply furrowed as he stared down at you. you could see the side of his jaw twitching and fingers tightening, an obvious sign of his anger. "i am being honest corb," you reaches out to his hand but he easily pulled away, his eyes darkening and whole body tensing. "don't fucking touch me, y/n. i want to know the truth, and if you're not going to give it to me, then you can leave my house." his finger gestured towards the door, cheeks flushing from his anger. "okay, okay fine," your hands came up as you opened your mouth, ready to explain, "it-it's a prank!" you confessed with a laugh while he glared at you in confusion. "what?" "it's fake look–" you grabbed the hem of your shirt, bringing it up to wipe away the makeup you placed on your neck, "—see," you showed him the make up now staining your shirt. "i hate you," he claimed, gently pressing his lips to yours.

-"did-did someone do that? a-are you cheating o-on me-e?" he croaked out, his voice breaking as he placed a finger on his chest, right on top of his heart. "daniel, i...i don't know what to say," you quieted down your eyes casting to the floor below you where your feet twisted together, a nervous habit of yours. "yeah, well i do. we're don-" "EXCEPT THAT I FOOLED YOU!" you interrupted him hooping up off the chair you were sitting on. "what? what are you talking about?" his mouth was slightly agape, his eyes confused. "it's all fake, this is make up, that's the camera, and your the victim." you claimed in a very dork way as you dramatically pointed out each item you spoke of. "i-it's make up?" he was still suspicious so you grabbed a makeup wipe and slid it across your pulse, wiping any trace of it away. "see?". "y/n fucking y/l/n, if i wasn't in love with you-" he stopped himself to wrap his arms tightly around your waist, his head burying itself into your neck.

-"stop spitting bullshit and just tell me the truth!" at this point jack was beyond angry - he was furious. his eyes glowed a fiery brown, the vein on his neck very visible, and his usually messy hair covered his eyes like a curtain from the number of times he's gripped it. "jack-" he cut you off his voice scaring you, "don't say my fucking name, y/n. the truth and all of it," his voice cracked at the end as his eyes closed as if preparing for the worse. "it's..it's a joke!" his eyes snapped open confusion flodding them as he glared at you "what are you talking about?"  "it was a requested video idea for my youtube channel babe, it's not real," you giggled as you took a step closer towards him watching as his face flushed with embarrassment. "oh my god, y/n," he whined your name out as he covered his face with his hands, "wait come here," you obliged walking over watching as his hand rose to his mouth where he licked his thumb before rubbing it over the 'hickey'. "i hate that i love you," he joked as his body visibly relaxed.

-"i think you should leave," jonah calmly spoke, his voice deadly serious and devoid of any emotion. "no, jonah wai-"  "i want you to leave y/n. now," his eyes found yours and you almost teared up at the heartbreak the they held, but suddenly it was gone his eyes a blank blue. "wait, just listen to me, two minutes that's all i ask of you," jonah debated it, wondering if it was a good idea to listen to what you had or say. thinking he might regret it in the future he slightly nodded, looking away as you opened your mouth it explain. "you know my youtube channel-" you paused watching as he slightly nodded like before, "my subscribers for a while now have been begging for me to pull a prank on you and the most wanted one was the hickey prank which is why were here now." you finished your eyes smiling as you watched jonah turn to look at you his eyes angry as he quickly walked over before engulfing you in a passionate kiss.

-"18 months and 15 days, y/n. a year and a half. does that not mean anything to you?" you watched as zach slowly tears up his usually red cheeks even redder and his usually happy chocolate milk eyes now glazed over. "zach, i-i don't know what to say." he scoffed as he lowered his head, running a hand through his hair. "i love you, so much. and i thought you did too but i guess it was a lie. just like this 'relationship'," he grabbed his jacket from the chair that he'd tossed it on, his keys following as he treaded towards the front door. thinking quick you ran ahead blocking the door. "y/n-" you grabbed his face pulling him into a small kiss before pulling back "it's all a prank baby, it's all a prank," you took your hand and wiped the make up off your neck showing zach. he glanced at your hand before pulling you back in for a kiss.

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