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Victoria's Secret

-"do i have to go in? why can't i just wait for you outside?" corbyn whined as you pulled him towards one of your favorite stores. "no, i might need your opinion on things," once inside, you began looking through the many bras and panties, needing some new sexy undergarments. corbyn stood by you, not knowing where to direct his eyes, so he settled with keeping them on you.  "stop staring," you told him your eyes still searching. he sighed in response moving closer to you and reaching for a plum colored lace set. "this would look nice," his cheeks tinted and he wouldn't meet your eyes. "you like it?" a smile reached your lips as he cleared his throat. "uhm, y-yeah. it's nice... i guess," taking the set out of his hands you kissed his cheek before grabbing a few more things and heading for the checkout.

-you let out a sigh as you took off the heels that had been bothering your feet for the last few hours, tossing them aside as you flopped back onto the bed. "i am never going to another one of your release parties." you told daniel as he stripped off his suit jacket, a grin on his face. "that's what you said last time, babe." "yeah, well i mean it this time." you pouted as you stood up, pulling the pins out of your hair and letting it fall to your shoulders. you moved over to your part of the walk in closet where you stopped to grasp the zipper of your dress. once it was off you hung it and ran a hand through your hair, searching for a pair of sweatpants. "woah," daniel had stopped at the door of the closet in the middle of unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. "what?" his eyes scanned your body, which reminded you of the black lace lingerie you were wearing. "if i'd known you were wearing that," he began as he moved towards you, his eyes hungry, "we never would've left."

-"babe!" called jack. "yes?" you replied over the sound of the water pattering against your skin. "have you seen my champion hoodie?" your furrowed your eyebrows, "you have like six, but try checking the dresser draws," shutting off the water, your wrapped a towel around your soaked body, before letting your hair out of its bun. "did you find it?" you asked as you walked out of the steamy bathroom, only to find jack staring at you with a smirk as he held up a pair of dark red thongs. "how come i've never seen these?" "jack!" rushing over you ripped it out of his hands, your cheeks burning before shoving it back in the drawer, trying to ignore his laughter. "you're so annoying." you mumbled searching for his sweatshirt. "i'm sorry," he chuckled kissing your cheek as he wrapped his arms around you from behind.

-you hummed along to the music playing from your phone as you let your hair fall to your shoulders, your hips swaying to the beat. you were getting ready for you and jonah's date, taking your time getting ready despite him telling you he'd be over in fifteen minutes. removing the oversized shirt you had on, you tossed it into your laundry hamper not hearing the front door open as you began singing along to the music. "babe?" jonah called as he opened your bedroom door, his eyes widening at the sight of you in lacey dark blue underwear that just barely covered you, along with the matching bra. "oh my god! jonah!" you yelled picking up a pillow and covering yourself, your voice snapping him out of his thoughts. "what?" he smirked "nothing i haven't seen before." "get out!" you yelled your cheeks turning red as you threw a different pillow at him, his laughter annoying you.

-"hi baby," grinned zach when you walked into your guys's shared bedroom, your arms tired from carrying the bags in your hand. "hi," you yawned, placing them at the end of the bed. "did you have fun?" he asked as he stood up, walking over to you. "mhm," you smiled as he kissed around your face his arms wrapping around you. you and your friend had gone out, spending the entire day shopping, using it as a day to get away from everything; work, drama, and the stress that had been weighing you down. "what'd you get?" "you can look through the stuff, i'm just gonna go change real quick," you leaned up, pecking his lips before heading to the bathroom. sitting down on the bed, zach picked up a random bag and peaked inside, his eyes widening at the silk lingerie sets laying inside. pulling a pair out he felt his cheeks heat up as he imagined you in it. "zach?" "huh?" he turned around, pursing his lips when he sees that you caught him. "s-sorry. i picked up a random bag and i saw it and i-" he cut himself off as he quickly placed the set back in the bag his whole face red. "do you like them?" you asked him, liking the way he was all flustered. "uhm - y-yeah, their okay," he shrugged, trying to play cool. "you want me to try them on?" quickly, his head snapped to face you, his eyes wide. "really?"


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